Thursday, March 19, 2009

benefits of soy fiber in health


On some people, fiber (pulp) of food is only considered as a source of energy that are not very useful. In fact the results of the investigation shows that fiber is good for health, namely to help prevent constipation, prevent cancer, prevent pain in your colon, helps reduce cholesterol level, helps control the sugar in the blood, prevent hemorrhoids, helps reduce body weight, and others. benefits of fiber foods good for health maintenance, disease prevention and therapy. Diseases associated with lack of fiber there are several kinds of food such as Obesity, hypertension, hiperlipidemia, aterosklerosis, diabetes, gall stones, divertikulosis disease, hemorrhoids, hiatal Hernia, colon cancer, dental pain, and others. Approximately two-thirds hypertension cases are caused by Obesity or overweight.

There are several reasons why fiber food can prevent Obesity, that is, food with no fiber contains far more energy than the fibers that contain. Fibers increase the intensity of mastication, slow process of eating, and prevent rapid digestion of food. Diet rich in fiber can increase ekskresi fat and nitrogen through the faeces or feses. Foods that contain fiber will provide a sense of satiety longer than without the fiber.

In the century to the SM-5, Hipprocrates, should recommend that the bread made from flour that is not mashed. The role of fiber in the main food is the water binding capacity, sellulosa and pectin. With the fiber, to help speed up the remnants of food through the alimentary tract to diekskresikan out. Fiber without assistance, feses with lower water contents will stay longer in the channel and the intestine through the intestine to the soup can diekskresikan out because peristaltic movements large intestine become more slow. There is fiber in food feses cause large intestine absorb more water so the consistency becomes soft and large volume.

Fiber is needed by the human body. Therefore, we are highly recommended to consume enough fiber each day. There are some healthy benefits of fiber are:

Normal cholesterol level, blood sugar Manage and measure the energy in the body, Reducing the risk of bowel cancer, constipation and hemorrhoids, Helping those who are suffering from insulin resistance, Helps smooth defecate and especially those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (ibs), Maintain weight normal because fiber makes stomach full of fiber that come late to help control the blood sugar in people with diabetes and cholesterol level.

Among the food sources that contain fiber are vegetables, fruit and soy products. A study in the United States proves that a high fiber diet that is 25 grams / day is able to improve blood sugar control, lower right reel-kantan excessive insulin in the blood and lower blood fat content.

The most obvious benefit of fiber foods is the avoidance of constipation (difficult to defecate or constipation). Interference defecate natural that you are most likely caused by a pattern that you eat less fiber. So sometimes you will experience more defecate longer transit timenya2-3 days, the transit time is longer allows the bacteria-bacterial agents and the causes of various diseases have an opportunity to do the activity in the body.

Conversely, if transit time by as many short fibers in the food consumed, the agents of disease was not activity, as soon issued with feses. That will reduce the risk of a disease such as tumor and cancer in the lower part of the alimentary tract, such as colon cancer.

Many studies prove that the fibers in the gut of food will make the transit of food through the channel gastrousus become more controlled. Fiber can also help reduce high blood cholesterol and help manage blood sugar in order to stabilize.

Fiber derived from this vegetable is a collection of various chemical substances are resistant to enzyme digestion so it can not be digested and destroyed. Precisely because this is not digested can help the process of disposal of leftover food in the body.

Several types of disease can be prevented by the fibers of which are:

1. Constipation

High consumption of fiber, will produce the amount of feces is greater, so it stimulates peristaltic movement of intestine to push out feces. Besides, fiber also formed feces soft and slippery so it was not hard or painful when removed.

2. Hemorrhoids

Fiber useful in the formation of soft feces and large intestinal muscles working so not too heavy to remove. The hard feces, and each time mengejan defecate bowel muscles will create a big risk going out and hemorrhoids or blood vessel dilation in the anus.

3. Bowel disturbances; Divertikulosis

Some adults age began an 45-year divertikulosis suffering. This condition occurred because the pressure that causes the emergence of bowel bulge-bulge abnormal bowel wall in the form of such a large ulcer. Protrusion can be binding on the dirt (feces) so that the inflammation that occurs painful. fiber food can so easily push feces is removed, so that the protrusion can decline and the long run will be lost. Although no cure, fiber can help prevent divertikulosis.

4. Obesity

Fibrous food is usually high berkalori also low. High-calorie if not offset with a burning energy source that is balanced from obesity. In addition, the soluble fiber, especially water, is able to prevent the rate of absorption of blood sugar and fat, and give full effect to a longer delay the desire to eat.

5. Diabetes

Not only sugar, carbohydrate in the body that will be converted into blood sugar with a particular enzyme digestion. The increase in blood sugar can be consumed if carbohydrate foods with fiber, especially the water soluble fiber. This will be very beneficial for diabetics, both type I and type II.

6. High Cholesterol level and coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (PJK) to be the main cause of death in almost every country. Of research have direct relationship between blood cholesterol concentration with BCC. Type of water soluble fiber is believed to be very effective in helping reduce bad cholesterol level in blood for up to 5% because of the ability of fat in the trap and remove them through the dirt that is not absorbed by the body.

7. Cancer

Once the food arrived in the large intestine, some microbes will analyze a residue-residue that is toxic. If there is contact with the gut mukosa a certain time, eg, chronic constipation, this toxic compound may lead to cancer or colon cancer kolon. Death due to cancer kolon ranks to-4, and to occupy the rank-2 cause of death due to cancer. Adequate fiber consumption will accelerate the transit lines in the dirt digestion, so that contact between the bowel wall and karsinogen the substance involved in more short of food, thereby reducing the chance of a cancer. Consume foods rich in fiber will reduce the risk of mouth cancer and infected throat cancer by 50%.

8. Increasing the Power Body Hold

In the colon we live many good bacteria that are useful for the health and vitality the body attacks the bacteria that evil brought by the food consumed.

Particularly soluble fiber that is prebiotik as food for bacteria, or both are often called probiotik. Fiber fermentation in the large intestine to increase the growth of bacteria laktat acid, which helps prevent the accumulation of toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria cause disease.

Most organizations recommend that the health of the world to maintain the health, adults should consume fiber foods as much as 20 to 35 grams per day. While for children under the age of 10 years about 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day, and children aged 10 years must consume fiber of 15 to 20 grams per day. Consume 30 to 40 grams of fiber per day can reduce the chance of a kolorektum disease such as diverticulitis and cancer.

To increase the consumption of fibrous food can be consumed with food that is rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and soybean products.

Extrak consume fiber rich or supplemen fiber in the form of a pill, tablet or powder recommended because less fiber in the form of supplements can cause constipation, especially when accompanied by consuming less water, or consume laxative ingredients to make the big move is also not recommended because it can lead to irritation in the gut in excessive doses. Consume fiber derived directly from food is better than consume fiber in the form of additional food (supplemen).


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