Thursday, March 19, 2009

Benefits of soy for health.


Soybean is one of the types of beans called Latin Glycine max (L) is much husbandry mer apaddy field area after harvest of rice, soybean people be known with two varieties, namely yellow and black, but there is also the type of green soybean. This rare type of soybean husbandry some people do not even know. Containing soybean protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin A and B higher than the type of nuts the other, the fetus is not saturated fat, linoleat, oleat and akrahidrat function as lipotropikum substances that prevent the cumulation of fat in the body, while the uterus fiber is very high in soy, helps metabolism and lower cholesterol content in blood, oxygen mutagenik, anti cancer, genestein, namely fitoesterogen compound in soybeans can prevent cancer cell growth and tumor. Other diseases that can be prevented or dinetralisir with soybean, among others, diabetes, cough, edema, kidney, rheumatism, anemia, prevent attacks, hypertension, heart, hepatitis, diarrhea, and stomach aches. Composition existing in soybean isoflavon the compound is a correspond estrogen (estrogen like) this compound has potential as a Modulator Reseptor Selective Estrogen (MRES) and provide a positive effect on bone, such as raloxifene, because the origin of the plant so-called estrogen-fito. Many studies suggest mengkosumsi natural estrogen, such as isoflavon because they do not cause harmful side effects.

Isoflavon classified flavonoid group, polifenolik a compound found in many fruits, vegetables, and grains including genistin, daidzin, genistein and daidzein, from some food that has been analyzed soybean ranks first, it contains daidzein 10,5-85 and genestein of 26,8-120,5 as mg/100g dry weight.

Bahram H Arjmandi and colleagues from the Department of nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State Univesity reported that consuming 40 g soy protein per day for 3 months on women pascamenopouse, scara can significantly reduce ekskresi deoksipiridinolin (DPD) in the urin. While DPD sepesifik to bookmark resorpsi bone cells. There are two reasons why soybean increase bone formation: the first isoflavon soybean menstumulasi activity osteoblasti (bone forming cells) activity through reseptor-resptor estrogen. Both isvoflavon soybean production can increase growth hormone Insulin-like Growt Factor-1 (IGF-1).

either case study as a preventive or soybean penetralisir disease, conducted by Susan M Potter et al from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutriotion University of Illinois, with a suplementasi soy protein containing isoflavon of 56mg and 90 mg / day for 6 months to 66 women pascamenopouse. The result tulangnya mineral density in the group of 90 mg / day increased, whereas in group 56 mg / day does not change.

In Japanese society with the number of consumtion soybean soybean consumtion isoflavon average reached 35-200mg/day, this seems related to the low incidence of osteoporosis in Japanese women. But in Indonesia, isoflavonnya Feed 40mg/day more or less equivalent to 13.3 soybean / day, the number of consumtion may have helped achieve a peak bone mass, but far enough to keep the loss of bone mass in women over age 40 know pascamenopouse and the information age.

Experts in China mention , with foods rich in soy may reduce the risk of stomach cancer in women, a study of 1,700 women conducted by Cancer Institute Sanghai, said the soybean The more They eat, the less likely affected by cancer. This study took data from 832 women aged between Sanghai of 30-69 years who are diagnosed infected uterus and stomach cancer in the years 1997-2001, and 846 healthy women of the same age group, after five years to see their level consumtion soybean, found that women who suffer stomach cancer ate soy less than healthy women. There are phenomena of stomach cancer among Asian women much smaller than those living in western countries, this is likely due to consumption of soy, such as tempe and tahu higher-country Asian countries, so that the measured level isoflavon the women consumed Asia 25 times more than women living in western countries. (Nature magazine 06.2005)


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