To some people, food dregs are only assumed as unbeneficial energy source. Some studies showed that fiber or dregs are good for health, prevents constipation, cancer, colonal infection, lowering cholesterol, controlling sugar level in blood, prevents haemorroids, lowering bodyweight (as diet products), etc. Dregs and fibers are good both for health maintenance, disease prevention and therapy. There are some diseases associated with the lack of food fiber: obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, aterosklerosis, diabetes, gall stone problem, diverticulosis, haemorroids, hiatal hernia, colon cancer, toothache and etc. Approximately two third of hypertension cases are caused by obesity or overweight problem.There are some reasons why food fiber may prevent obesity. First, fiberless food contains much more energy compared to those which is fibric. Fiber raises chewing intensity, slows down eating process, and impedes the velocity of food digestion. Fiber-rich diet may increase fat excretion and nitrogen through defecation. Consuming fibric food gives longer sated feeling than non-fibric ones.
In 5 BC, Hipprocrates suggested that bread is better made of crude flour. The vital role of fibric food is its capability in bending water, cellulose and pectine. With fiber food remnants are excreted faster from digestional system. Without the help of fiber, faeces with low water content will stay longer in the intestine and has some difficulties caused by slower peristaltic movement. More fiber absorbs more water that consistency of the faeces is softer with larger volume.
Fiber is necessary for human body. Therefore, we are suggested to consume sufficient everyday. Some benefits of healthy fiber are: normalizing cholesterol level, reulating and stabilizing blood sugar level and body energy, reducing colon cancer, constipation and haemorroids, helping those suffering insulin resistency, smoothing defectaion and particularly those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), retaining normal bodyweight.
The bodyweight becomes normal because fiber makes stomach feels sated and this is caused by soluble liquids that helps stabilizing blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels on diabetes sufferers.
Some food containing high fiber are vegetables, fruits and soybean. A research in America proved that high fibric diets –approximately 25 gram/day may improve blood sugar levels, lowering exaggerated insulinin blod and minimizing blood fat levels.
The most obvious benefit of food fiber is to prevent constipation (defecate difficulties). Difficulties you had probably are caused by your bad eating pattern which neglects fibric foods, so that you’ll have longer transit time when defecating, maybe only once for 2-3 days. Longer transit time brings greater chance for bacterions and disease agents to activate themselves in human body.
Conversely, shorter transit time is better for much more fiber absorbed in the body. This way, disease agents do not have time to be active. They go out altogether with faeces. This way again, risks for cancer and malignancy will be reduced in the bottom part of digestion channels, for example colon cancer.
Many researches proved that food fiber in the colon would make the transit period of food passing through the gastrointestine become more controlable. Fiber also helps reducing high level of blood cholesterol and stabilizes sugar level in blood also.
Phytofiber is a group of chemicals with anti digestional enzyme property thus unbreakable. Since it is undigestable, the excrement is thus become easier.
Some types of diseases that may be prevented with fiber consumption are:
1. Constipation
High fiber food consumption would produce larger faeces, thus stimulating the peristaltics of large intestine. In addition, fiber also forms smoother and slippery faeces thus not causing pain.
Fiber is useful for smoothing and big faeces, thus the work of colon may be minimized. Hard texture faeces makes the person strain his/her muscles harder everytime he defecates and weakens his/her colon at once. Thus, there is the risk for hemorrhoids or blood channel enlargement in the anus.
3. Intestinal Problems, Diverticulosis
Some adults with more than 45 years old of age commonly suffers from diverticulosis. This condition takes place for intestinal surpress that cause abnormal kerns in the wall of large intestine in some kind of ulcers. These ulcers bend faeces and stimulating painful inflammation. Food fiber may push faeces to be went off easily, so that these ulcers may become smaller and eventually lost in some periods of time. Though it is doesn’t bring any remedial effects, fibers may help preventing diverticulosis.
4. Obesity
High fibric food usually has low chalory. High chalory content is the source for obesity when not being balanced with equal energy burning. In addition, soluble fiber is able to slowing down the absorption of sugar and fat in the bloodand giving longer sated feeling and delaying appetite to eat.
5. Diabetes
Not only sugars, carbohydrates in the body will be transformed into dengan enzim pencernaan tertentu. Kenaikan kadar gula darah dapat ditekan jika karbohidrat dikonsumsi bersama serat makanan khususnya yang serat larut air. Ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi penderita diabetes, baik tipe I maupun tipe II.
6. High cholesterol and coronary heart complication
Coronary heart disease is the main cause for death in almost every country in the world. A research showed that there is direct relationship between the concentration of blood cholesterol with coronary heart disease. This kind of fiber is water soluble and believed to be effective in lowering bad cholesterol in the blood up to 5% for its ability to trap fats and throw them away through faeces.
7. Cancer
When food comes at large intestine, some microbes would decomposize them in form of toxic residuals. If contacts with intestinal mucose takes place, in certain period, for example chronic constipation, this toxic compound may trigger cancer in large intestine or colon. The case of death because of colon cancer took place is number 4, the second as highest cause for death cases of cancer. Suficient fiber consumption speeds up faeces transit in the intestine; that the contact between inmtestine wall and carsinogenic substances brought in food are much shorter, thus minimizing chances for cancer. Consuming fiber rich food would reduce rsik of oral cancer and throat cancer tenggorokan to 50%.
8. Raising Body Immunity
In our large intestine there are many bacterias both useful for health and body immunity to resist bad bacterias brought by consumed food.
Fibers, especially the soluble ones, are probiotics and food for “good” bacteria. Fiber fermentation in large intestine increases the growth of lactate acid (bacteria producers), which help preventing toxin accumulations and pathogenic bacteria that cause diseases.
Most of world health organizations suggest that to maintain health, adult people must consume food fibers as much as 20 to 35 grams per day. While children under 10 years of age need 5 to 10 grams fiber per day. Children 10 years of age should consume 15 to 20 gram fiber per day. Consuming 30-40 gram fiber per day can minimize the opportunity of chlorectum diseases such as diverticulitis and cancer.
To raise fibric food consumption one may pick out fruits, vegetables, and soybean products.
Consuming fiber extract or fiber-rich supplement in form of pils, tablets or powders are less recommended for they cause constipation, particularly when the person had lack of water consumption. Consuming calomels is less recommended also since it causes irritation on intestine especially when the doze is excessive. Consuming fibers coming from food directly is better than consuming in form of supplement.
Don’t be senile in your productive ages
Actually the brain never lost its memories. It works and records all things like a computer. Senility occurs since we don’t practice things we’ve memorized and try –time after time- to recalling informations. This what makes we lost our memorizing ability. Brain is just alike with any part of the body which needs physical and mental exercises simultaneously and requires nutrition too. Some steps recommended to maintain our memorizing ability are as follows:
Soybean Consumption
According to Professor Sandra File from Guy’s Hospital, London, soybean has isoflavon content acting as estrogen reseptor in human brain mainly hyppocampus asa important area for memory so that making new neural connection to be more ready.
An experiment in Kings College, London and University of Rochester, New York showed that decreasing consumption of iron may hace detrimental impact on IQ level and cognitive function since iron plays important role in transforming brain signals.
Mental Exercise
This study showed that mental stimulations can preserve the brain to stay healthy and may raise memory capability. Person with good memorizing ability tends to give quick response to mental exercise challenges.
Physical Exercise
A half hour exercise three times a week has effects on brain strength since bodywork may improve heart performance to pump the blood more effectively.
Gingko biloba consumption.
This herbal is used as memory intensifier for ages. According to Dr George Lewith, gingko may improve blood circulation to the brain by sirkulasi darah ke otak by enlarging blood channels (intravena) thus raising oxygen supply.
Fish Oil.
Fish oil has Omega 3, an important component of brain cell membrant and may improve memory capacity.
Vitamin B.
Vitamin B supplies the brain with oxygen and protects it from damages. It sharpens and raises memory capacity. Vitamin B is needed to help the body in forming acetycholine, a chemical matter that is vital for raising memory capacity. Niacin or B3 is good for strengthening the brain. B6 is pivotal for the neurotransmitter production and mending one’s mood. B12 is good for brain health in general. (Natural Magazine 02.2005)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
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