This plant is known with the name Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L) coming from India. Other said that it comes from western Africa. This plant can be easily found in many places in Indonesia with various local names: asam paya, asam kumbang, and asam susur. In western India it is called Jamaican Sorrel. Roselle grows generatively (by seedlings) or vegetatively, with height up to 3-5 meters and flowers throughout the ear in each armpit after reaching the age of 45-60 days. Flower is the part of the plant often made for medicine and for food materials such as jam, candy, red tea, and juice. In addition, roselle is used for tonic for its important substances to the body, on eof the important is vitamin C.Substance and Nutrition
Roselle has high anticyanin and acid within it, thus the extract of Roselle flowers spout reddish and violet-like liquid with the main acid taste consist of citric acid and maliec acid.
Amino Acid is also contained in this plant mainly as arginine and lysine. When these elements go together in synergy with other types of amino acids such as glutamic acid, then it will become powerful to move body hormones that resist aging process. Its ascorbit acid and vitamin C are also high than in any other plants lain. A research found that each 100 gram of Roselle flowers has 224.4 mg of vitamin C compared to 100 gr papaya 71 mg Vit C, strafruit 25,8 Vit C and orange 49 mg Vit C.
Several analyses held in Guatemala showed that this roselle flowers had: carotin 0,029 mg, thiamin 0,117 mg, ribovalvin 0,277 mg, niacin 3,765 mg.
Other contents cover polyphenol in form of tea which is very good as anti oxydant and useful to neutralize free radicals that trigger generative diseases. The flowers and the fruits has flavanoid which functions as antibiotic, and filtering toxins in the body.
Glucose hubiscin is also believed to be useful for regulating sugar levels in blood for diabetes mellitus sufferer.
Roselle flowers contains gossy, anthocyanin that has diuretic effects and choleric effects, easifies wee-wee process, reducing heartburn, increasing the performance of intestine and lowering hypertension, while high content of Vitamin C is useful for raising body immunity.
This flowers are also used as raw material for cosmetic cream for its betakaroten and high Vitamin E.
The Benefits of Roselle Plants
Traditionally, Roselle flowers are used as raw material for meals, drinks and herbal medicines. In Guinea, Roselle leaves are used as diuretics, lowering body temperature and pain reducer. Its fruits are useful for curing scorbuts. Its flower stew are used as preventor for gall disease (though this method is not suggested because stewing lowers its content). Gossypetin, anthocyanin, and glucose hibiscin had diuretical and choleretical effects, thinning blood, preventing hypertension, and improving intestinal performance.
In Taiwan Roselle was used as diuretics, calomel, and tonic (aphrodisiac). In Philiphine Roselle was used as aperitive and tonic. The people of Angola used its saps for emollient. African people used its leaves for skin wounds and Roselle seeds are eaten fot its oil content. Sudanesse used processed Roselle as their national and traditional drink. They named it Karkadeh.
PT Demaco Indotama, located in East Java processes Roselle as red tea Hibiscus with different basic material and more peculiar property more than ordinary tea.
According to A Naufal Ag Putra, Roselle flowers made as tea are proved has anti-hypertenson effect, cramps, and bactericidal. A study found that Roselle tea extract reduced the bad effects of alcohol in our body, preventing renal problem, and slowing the growth of fungi/bacteria/paracytes that cause high fever. Roselle flowers are known to be able to help smoothing blood circulation and lowering blood viscosity level, this happens for organic acid, polysacharydes, and flavanoids contained in the sheath of roselle flowers. (Natural Magazine 06.2005)
We provide you both crude and powder of simplicia violet Roselles. Click here to order.
The benefits of soybean to health.
Soybean is one species of beans with the Latin name Glycine max (L) mer. Soybeans are widely cultivated in rice field area after harvest time. Among people soybean was popularly known as consisted of 2 varieties: yellow and black, besides these two we may find green soybean also. Green soybean is less popular and rarely cultivated, sme of the people know nothing about this species at all.
Soybean contains protein, iron, calsium, Vitamin A and B higher than other types 0of beans. Other contents are unsaturated fat, linoleat, oleat and acrahydrate functions as lippotropicum: a substance that may prevent fat stacking in the body. Its also has high fiber content, helps metabolism and minimizes cholesterol level in the blood, it has mutagenics, anti cancer, and genestein, phytoesterogen compounds in soybean may retain the growth of tumor and cancer cells. Other diseases that may be prevented or neutralized with soybean are diabetes, cough, edema, renal problem, rheumatics, anemia, anti-hypertension, avoids heart attack, hepatitis, diare, and stomachache. Soybean contains isoflavons: compounds similar with estrogen (estrogen like) and has potential as Selective Estrogen Reseptor Modulator with positive effects to bones, just like raloxifene, since it comes from plants we named it phyto-estrogen. Many researches suggest us to consume natural estrogen, such as isoflavon cause it doesn’t have any negative side effects.
Isoflavon is of flavonoids, polyphenolic compound that mainly found in fruits, vegetables, seeds, including genistin, daidzin, genistein, and daidzein. Soybean is the most prominent plant containing daidzein as much as 10,5-85 and genestein 26,8-120,5 mg/100g dried weight.
Bahram H Arjmandi and its collegues from Departement of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State Univesity reported that post-menopause women consuming 40 gram soybean protein everyday for 3 months, significantly had their deoxypiridinoline (Dpd) excretion lowered in their urin. Whereas, Dpd is specific signal for bone cells resorpsion. There are two reasons why soybean raise bone forming: first, soybean isoflavons stimulates osteoblasti activity (bone cell forming) through estrogen reseptors activity. Secondly, soybean isvoflavon may increase the production of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1).
Several studies held by Susan M Potter (Departement of Food Science and Human Nutrition Illinois University) had also indicated that as preventor or neutralizer for diseases, soybean protein supplementation containing 56 mg and 90 mg/day isoflavon for six months to 66 post-menopouse women. The results showed that its density of bone minerals in 90 mg/day group was increased, while in the group 56 mg/day group no changes took place.
The Japanese consume soybean approximately 35-200mg/day, this sems to be related with the small number of osteoporosis cases in Japanesse women. But in Indonesia, people consume more than 40mg/day isoflavon or equal with 13,3 soybean/day. This consumption rate may be able to help reaching the peak of bone mass but is too small to retain bone mass loses on women with more than 40 years of age, post-menopause women and the elderly.
Experts in China said that by consuming soybean rich food may reduce cancer risk kanker in woman’s stomach. An experiment on 1700 women held by The cancer Instuitute of Shanghai said that the greater the amount of soybean consumption, the smaller the risk to have cancer. This experiment took data from 832 Sanghai women with 30-69 years of age. They are positively diagnosed to have cervix cancer and tomach cancer during 1997-2001, while 846 healthy women with the same age group, after five years evaluating the levels of their soybean consumption, found that women suffering stomach cancer and consuming soyben less than healthy women. Therefore the phenomenon of stomach cancer in among Asian women is smaller thanthose living in western countries. There is a large probability that soybean consumption such as tempeh and tofu is higher in Asian countries. Isoflavon consumed by asian women is 25 times larger than women living in western countries. (Natural Magazine 06.2005)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Label:herbaqu,minyakherbal,madu super balai POM. Dinkes, makanan organik. gaya hidup sehat
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