Honey is natural liquid with sweet taste produced by honeybees. It comes from floral nectar or other parts of flowers (extra floral nectar) or insect excression. Nowadays, many types of honey we easily find in the market with various trademarks and packings. Thus, we need to be careful when choosing honey, concerning its originality. Most of honey producers are courageous to give guarantee for their products, apart form the fact that their products are truly pure and original. Therefore we need a technique to gain evidence. Because it doesn’t guarantee us if we buy honey directly from the producers or the breeders then it means we buy the pure ones. Since there are too many bad guys out there, mixing the pure with sugar or chemicals or essences, anytime, anywhere.We may say that the honey is pure and original if from the beginning of production process till finishing or packaging, there is no mixing with any other liquids except the natural ones of the bees.
The purity can be analyzed through the contents which modern scientific methods had identified some of them, and some others can not be identified by science. The quality of the honey in Indonesia is regulated with Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI No. 01-3545-2004). Thus honeybee products with SNI standards are the most secure and safe product to consume.
Nowadays, we can still meet persons who are hesitate of the ability of honey in medication and health maintenance, though Allah Azza Wa Jalla has given His recommendation. And reality and human experience have proved its effectiveness in medication.
The truth about the efficacy of honey has been mentioned in the Qur`an (An-Nahl: 68-69) and some hadith. The moslems agreed that honey is the best supplementary drinks. A moslem who is not sure about the truth of Quranic verses is hesitated as a “real” believer. How can a moslem rejects what his or her God said in Soora An-Nahl: 68-69, and all the hadith that explain about the efficacy of honey? What is his reason to reject his God’s revelation that honey is medicine for all diseases? (for example: some people prohibit diabetes sufferer to consume honey for its sugar content. It should be known that sugar contained in honey is not similar with that in sugarcane, etc, the fact shows the opposite: many diabetes sufferers have been cured or healed after consuming honey ruotinely).
Empirical evidences aso proved that honey is powerful as medicine. The most usual honey utilization is by drinking it regularly to maintain health (preventive) or for remedial purposes (curative). Honey also can be used effectively for curing external wounds by scrubbing it directly to the wounded body part.
What makes honey as medicine?
The truth about this is mentioned in the Quran. The holy book says that the benefits of this drink is eternal till the end of the time and will not be replaced by the opinion of some scholars who say that it is not good for health. Some scientific evidences had also shown its medical function: it has anti-microbial property for its high sugar content (most of them are fructose), low level water content (microorganisms need water to grow up), acidity, dan hydrogenperoxyde appear as a result of glucose reactions of the honey with the water. Hydrogen peroxyde is the main killer for microorganisms (anti-septic). Honey also had a unique nature as antioxydant (pinocembrin) & flavonoid that functions as anti-bacterial agent (bactericidal).
Can Honey Cure All Diseases?
In the Qur’an honey is mentioned to have medical function, as medicine for human (An-Nahl: 69) without any quotation that it only cure certain diseases. Therefore there is a likelihood that honey is suitable to all diseases, including modern ones which the medic still cannot identify the medicine. We feel certain about how powerful honey as medicine since the news revealed from God (Al-Qur’an and hadith) dan demikian juga banyaknya zat yang terkandung dalam madu yang belum sepenuhnya bisa didefinisikan oleh manusia modern, memberikan harapan madulah sebagai jawaban atas problem kesehatan kita sekarang dan di masa yang akan datang. Beberapa hasil penelitian yang sudah ada madu dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan sakit perut, pengobatan pankreatitis akut, pengobatan kanker, pengobatan tumor, pengobatan luka pada penderita diabetes, dan sebagai anti biotik untuk segala macam penyakit. Demikian juga madu cocok untuk pengobatan penyakit sederhana seperti; bisul, jerawat, dan sejenisnya melalui proses osmosis yaitu madu menyerap nanah atau cairan yang terdapat dalam bisul dan sejenisnya. Sebuah studi penggunaan madu untuk 104 pasien luka bakar setelah 1 minggu, 91% pasien bebas infeksi dan sembuh lebih cepat, dibanding obat konvensional hanya 7% yang bebas infeksi. Studi lain pada pasien bedah caesar juga membuktikan keampuhan madu sebagai salep dibanding pemakaian alkohol dan iodine. Madu membuat pasien bebas infeksi & sembuh lebih cepat.
All Honey Had The Same Merit?
Since honey is produced by bees from different flower nectar so that the composition in one honey can be very far different with others. Thus it is natural if one type of honey is more suitable to certain diseases while the others are not. But, generally remedial substances are contained in most of honey type as long as these honeys are pure. The efficacy depends on its quality. The processing may damage its phytonutrient with its anti cancer and anti tumor properties. Bad processing makes bactericidal component, anti virus, and anti fungi become perishable.
How to Choose Good Quality Honey?
Honey with good quality is that in accord with national standards in a country. In Indonesia, SNI gives the criterion 22% of water content. The lower the water content, the longer the durability (finding in Egyptian pyramids indicated years) juga akan lebih efektif khasiatnya untuk pengobatan.
Is Honey Safe For Diabetes Sufferer?
Diabetes sufferers usually have problems in their insulin production. Insulin is necessary for breaking off sugars (particularly suchrose, disacharydes type) in order to make them absorbable to the body. Sweet taste in honey is of different type of sugars (particularly fructose, monosacharydes type) which is absorbable to the body without any aid of enzymes. A research on the effects of honey on diabetes sufferer type 2 found that pure honey does not increase sugar level in the blood. Honey is “so natural” that is safe for diabetes sufferers. Scientifically, there are some strong evidences that honey is very effective for curing wounds caused by diabetes (Dr. Jamal Burhan, University of Alexandria, Egypt).
Can Honey Lower The Cholesterol?
A study held by some Russian scholars found that 75% patients had their cholesterol lowered after carrying out honey therapy for 3-6 months. Other study regarding the effects of pure honey on high level cholesterol patients found that this dangerous body substance may be lowered to 8%, LDL decreased to 11%, and reactive protein C (risk factor for cardiovascular disease) fall to 75%.
Can You Have Honey For Diet?
Honey is the source of energy and chalory consisted of simple sugars (fructose), proteins, and a few complex sugars. One tablespoon of honey contains +65 chalories. If we have 2 tablespoon of honey in the morning, it’s equal with +130 chalories for 2-3 hours activity. For you who want to get lower body height may consume 3-4 tablespoon in the morning and you may add other 1-2 tablespoon around 10 o’clock in the morning, this way you’ll not be starving in the noon, because you still have sufficient energy. In the night you may have another 2 tablespoon before dinner. With this diet pattern your appetite will be reduced because you get your energy from honey, therefore other food consumption can be surpressed. (Dr. Yusuf Abbas dari Malaysia).
Proper Doze For The Healthy and The Sick
As prevention, healthy people may consume honey for maintaining health and stamina; 1-2X a day 1 tablespoon is already feasible. For curative purpose, 3-4 X a day 1 tablespoon.
Some faults regarding honey we often find in the society is caused by the lack of their knowledge on this product, these wrong assumptions for example are:
* Pure honey blows when we open the bottle cup.
In fact this kind of honey indicates its poor quality, for its exaggerated water content which triggers fermentation and gas.
* Pure honey is always being crowded by ants.
Honey contains sugar or sweets that attract ants. But the kind of sugar contained in honey is different with sugar we usually use in our kitchen, so it doesn’t guarantee that if honey is crowded by ants then it is pure and original.
* Crystalizing is the sign of purity.
Some types of honey like rubber tree honey crystalizes, but it can be liquefied through heating and still safe to be consumed.
* Pure honey is honey with clear and complete information regarding its acquirement (line from the first party who produces honey/ breeder/hunters till distribution).
The line is not an absolute guarantee also. Actually we need to bring the honey to the laboratory in order to ensure its purity. Laboratory tests would prove whether it contains saccharine or excessive water.
Super Honey is pure honey with heating and chemical processes, free from additives thus safe to consume.
Super Honey is the best choice for you who needs honey with standards determined by the authorized organization (Standar Nasional Indonesia, SNI) for honey quality with water content less than 22%.
We present you honey with above specifications with price Rp. 4.5000,-/bottle netto: 0,5 litre.
Click here to buy.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
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