Sunday, April 12, 2009



This recipe was truly inspired by a skin care product -in form of cream- sold in supermarkets and stores. This newly found product has been tested and used with satisfying result. The benefits of this cream are to reduce wrinkles, and lift the death skin, fining and smoothing the skin and make it looks brighter. Previously, to omit wrinkles in the face we have tried using eggs whites (quail eggs are recomended, coz we only use eggs whites for one time, if you use chicken eggs there’ll be too much being wasted). Unfortunately, eggs whites are not effective because it’s wasteful (we have to throw away the yellows anyway). We have tried drying up some materials for producing natural skin cream and, praise be to Allah, we’ve succeeded. This finding is based on our personal experience, and previously we use it only for personal use. But now we present the recipe to you.1. Face cleaner cream with scrubs.


Rice, rice flour, curcuma (temulawak), avocado, betel vine leaves or binahong. You make your own composition, some of these ingredients can be substituted, it is up to you, but in general we use .

How to make it:

1. Soak the rice in the water for a few minutes up to 1 hour, wait until they are soft enough to be blended.
2. Mash them using blender or other devices, curcuma, avocado, and leaves as you favor (temulawak and leaves are squeezed), blender the already soaked rice till fine, you may adjust according to your favor whether totally fine or a bit coarse.
3. Mix all the ingredients with rice flour till it become dough. Don’t let it too flabby. You may add perfume as you please
4. Mash the dough in form of granules and dry it up under the sun. Long-period drying is not recommended, use 2 stoves-heated woks, gas-fueled stoves are recommended.
The bottom part of the wok should have a contact with the fire directly, while the second layer of the wok only get heat conducted from the first wok. Roast these ingredients till they dried and become flour (powder). This drying method needs some exercises as we need some times to have some experiments. Keep it in a closed container. The durability of this product depends on how dried it is. The dryer the product the longer the durability and is able to be used anytime you want. Green Soybean Flour contained leticin that helps curing skin diseases and skin regeneration. For complete information, read the article regarding the benefits of green soybean flour.

Direction for use
Take your self made cream according to your needs and if you want, mix it with honey and water, till it become dough. The addition of honey is needed in order to gain its benefits to make the skin feels smoother and softer.

Wipe it to all parts of your face, wait for some minutes till it become a bit dried and scrub your face slowly with messages or press it from the inside (in the middle of the face, rubdown or press it).

Notes: If you worry that your skin would be scratched because of the brush of the grains, you may just leave the scrub and not using it.

1. Body Cream.
Initially this recipe is not particularly made for body treatment, though you can use for this also, for we apply this cream only when the body has a fever. After using this cream, skin feels smoother, more flexible, cleaner, and lighter, feels like we have had a massage. Fine-mashed rice grains give the effects of small pressures on the meridian of acupuncture points entirely in all parts of the body.

Rice, kencur (galingale), avocado, Javanese tamarind, betel vine leaves.

The Benefits:
Rice has function as a scrub that lift dead skin and soften the skin, galingale stimulates heat, widen the pores and smoothen blood circulation.
Fruits as skin nutrition have smoothing effects when scrubbed to the body and safe, without any scratching effects.
Betel vine leaves functions as natural anti-biotics for skin.

How To Make It:
After being shortaged, soak the materials, mainly the rice till it soft enough to be blended.
Blend all ingredients except the rice until fine, later fill in the rice and blend once more and wait until these rice grains become a bit coarse. Add some honey for better result.
Direction for use:
Scrub and distribute evenly to the body, start from the right side. In the front side of the body you may start from the lower part following the blood stream, from the feet up to the chest, and goes up to the hands.
In the back side of the body, you may start from the tips of the backhand goes up to the back and goes down once again to the feet.
Make a light message on your palm of hands and feet coz in these areas there are some message points (reflexes) that connect to internal body organs. In the back side of the body these “reflexes” are found along the backbone line.
Scrub again and again, after that rinse them with warm water till clean.
Subsequently, drink the tonic made of cabe jawa (javanesse chilipepper), lempuyang, temulawak, turmeric, white or red ginger, the tuber of the leaves of daun dewa, tapak liman, brown sugar or honey. If you cannot find all, you may take some of them. The most important are cabe-lempuyang, temulawak, turmeric, ginger, brown sugar or honey. Do this in the afternoon and wait till the next day, Insya Allah, your body feels fitter and lighter.


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