Thursday, March 19, 2009

Plastic Danger


Already many people warn, rumor, gossip and even magazine articles about the dangers of plastic. But still only a few people who respond, or care to investigate further.

Plastics is one of the materials that we can find in almost every item. Start drinking from a bottle, TV, refrigerator, pralon pipes, plastic laminating, false teeth, compact disk (CD), kutex (cleaning nails), cars, machinery, military equipment to pesticides. Therefore, we can almost never be using, and have items that contain Bisphenol-A. One of the items that use plastic and contain Bisphenol A is a food and beverage industry as a place to store food, plastic food cover, mineral water bottles, baby bottles and even now there are baby bottles and food storage that does not contain Bisphenol A is safe to be used so that food . One test proved 95% of the goods never contain Bisphenol-A.

Plastics are used because the light, not easily broken, and cheap. plastic can but also at risk for environmental health and our family. Therefore, we must understand plastic-plastic-safe for our use.

What's the meaning of symbols that we met on the various plastic products?

1-PETE # 1. PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles used for ordinary plastic clear / transparent / see-through, such as mineral water bottles, juice bottles, and almost all other beverage bottles. Boto-bottles with the # 1 and # 2 is only recommended for use. Do not use for warm water let alone hot. Dispose of bottles that have long-or visible laceration laceration.

2-HDPE # 2. HDPE (high density polyethylene) bottles are used to regular milk white milk. Same as # 1 PET, # 2 is also recommended to only use once.

3-V # 3. V or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic is the most difficult in the recycling. Plastics can be found on the plastic wrapping (cling wrap), and bottles. Gynecology DEHA from PVC which is located in the plastic wrapping and can seep into food when heated oily. PVC potentially dangerous for the kidneys, heart and body weight.

4-LDPE # 4. LDPE (low density polyethylene) used for the regular food and bottles of soft. Goods with the code # 4 can be recycled and for both goods that require flexibility, but strong. # 4 with the goods can not be spelled out in destroyed but still good places for food.

5-PP # 5. PP (Polypropylene) is the best option for plastic materials, especially related to food and drink such as a store of food, bottled water and most bottled water for babies. Characteristics is usually transparent bottles that are not clear or cloudy. Search this symbol if the purchase of plastic.

6-PS # 6. PS (polystyrene) material usually used as a place to eat styrofoam, water use, etc.. Polystyrene Materials styrine material can leak into the food when food is brush. Material Styrine dangerous for the brain and nerve system. Besides the food, styrine can also be obtained from cigarette smoke, smoke and vehicle construction building materials. This material should be avoided and many states in the United States already prohibits the use of styrofoam food including Chinese state.

7-in # 7. Other (usually polycarbonate) can be found in foods and beverages such as sports drink bottles. Polycarbonate materials can be the main issue that is Bisphenol-A in food and beverages that can potentially damage the hormone system. Avoid Polycarbonate plastic material.

Still a lot of plastic items that do not include symbols, especially plastic goods made locally in Indonesia. Therefore, if you feel better not to buy. Even if bersimbol goods more expensive, the price is more valuable than our family's health.

In the end. Avoid using any plastic in Microwave. Use of ceramic, glass or pyrex instead.

Avoid also the trash, especially plastic that contain Bisphenol-A haphazard because no materials could contaminate ground water which in turn can contaminate drinking water a lot of people.


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