Thursday, March 19, 2009

Standardization of Traditional Medicine


Indonesian traditional medicine initially only be divided into two groups, namely traditional medicine and herbal medicine, with growing tehnologi has been created tehnologi processing in the form of herbal extracts.
On 17 May 2004 the Food and Drugs Control (POM) to the RI official announced indonesian natural medicine in the decision-making body POM RI No HK. the regiment is based on herbal medicine making, claims and the level of user verification savor medicines in the three traditional categories, and as a condition must have the highest clinical testing, pre-clinical testing and empirical test.
This done to the potential of traditional medicine is used in the community and since time immemorial so its future will be found in the herbal treatment that is able to provide a variety of diseases.Jamu (empirical based herbal medicine)
Jamu is a traditional medicine in the form of a drink (powder), pill and liquid composition consisting of several types of herbal recipes that refer to the relic first and has been for many years safe and nutritious for the treatment so that clinical testing is not necessary because there is empirical evidence .

Herbal medicine standard (scientific based herbal medicine)
Traditional medicine in the form of extract or extracts taken from plants, animals and minerals. For this type of scientific evidence must be supported with pre-clinical research, such as the actual standard of raw materials, making the standard (extraction), the standard processing and higiensi test test toksisitas acute or chronic.

Fitofarmaka (based clinical herbal medicine)
Is a traditional medicine that has been in equaled with modern medicine because that was the process of standard, be supported with scientific evidence to clinical testing in humans that will convince the medical use as an herbal health service facilities.


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