Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rendang recipe


Rendang is a dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia, and is now commonly served across the country. One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests. Also popular in Malaysia and Singapore, rendang is traditionally prepared by the Malay community during festive occasions.Though rendang is sometimes described as being like a curry, and the name is sometimes applied to curried meat dishes in Malaysia, authentic rendang is nothing like a curry.Rendang is made from beef (or occasionally chicken, mutton, water buffalo, duck, or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava) slowly cooked in coconut milk and spices for several hours until almost all the liquid is gone, allowing the meat to absorb the spicy condiments. The cooking process changes from boiling to frying as the liquid evaporates. The slow cooking process allows the meat to absorb all the spices and to become tender. The spices may include ginger, galangal, turmeric leaf, lemon grass and chillies. Chicken or duck rendang also contains tamarind and is usually not cooked for as long as beef rendang.There are two kinds of rendang: dried and wet. Dried rendang can be kept for 3–4 months, and it is for ceremonial occasions or to honour guests. Wet rendang, also known as kalio, can be found in Minangkabau restaurants, and without refrigeration, it should be consumed within a month.

Rendang is often served with rice in Indonesia, but in Malaysia it is also served with ketupat (a compressed rice cake) and lemang (glutinous rice barbecued in bamboo tubes).

serves for 4 people
2 lb chicken drums or breast or wings or mix
1 L water
3 lime
4 cm ginger, minced
2 cm galangal, minced
3 tbsp lemongrass powder
8 shallot
2 garlic
5 red chilli
5 chilli
1 tsp salt
1. roast chicken on a hot fire until it turns brownish
2. boil water, ground spices, lime leaves, ginger, galangal, and lemongrass
3. put in the roasted chicken
4. cook on low temperature, while stiring until the chicken is cooked
5. take it out and serve

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kaedah penting dalam membuat sabun mandi


Membuat sabun mandi sendiri merupakan cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan sabun mandi dengan komposisi sesuai yang kita inginkan sehingga terhindar dari hal yang tidak kita inginkan kerena beberapa bahan pembuat sabun tidak menguntungkan bagi kesehatan kulit kita, bahan-bahan tersebut memiliki pro dan kontra sehingga upaya untuk memilih bahan sabun yang aman dan sesuai kebutuhan perlu dipertimbangkan. Melalui artikel ini bisa anda jadikan sedikit rujukan untuk mencari bahan untuk membuat sabun mandi sendiri.Upaya manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan yang hampir tak terbatas, memerlukan dukungan yang besar dari daya dukung lingkungan dan daya tampung lingkungan. Makin besar kebutuhan yang diperlukan maka makin besar pula dampak yang akan timbul.

Namun demikian perlu disadari oleh semua pihak, jika pengendalian dampak lingkungan ini tidak terkelola secara baik dan benar, maka yang menanggung akibatnya adalah manusia itu sendiri, hewan, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan alam sekitarnya.

Rumah adalah merupakan tempat tinggal dan dapat pula berfungsi sebagai pembinaan dalam rumah tangga. Dengan demikian maka segala hal yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya di rumah tangga dapat diharapkan dapat dikelola dengan baik. Dengan demikian maka dampak limbah B3, khususnya sabun dan deterjen di dalam rumah tangga dapat dikelola dengan baik, sehingga setiap orang mempunyai hak yang sama atas lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat kiranya dapat terwujud.

Tentang Sabun

Sabun yang ditemukan pertama kali oleh bangsa Arab pada abad ke-19, pada dasarnya terbuat dari proses pencampuran (Safonifikasi) Soda kaustik dengan minyak nabati (minyak tumbuh-tumbuhan) atau minyak hewani (minyak yang berasal dari lemak hewan). Mengingat sifat sabun yang berasal dari bahan alami, masyarakat pengguna yang mengkonsumsi sabun pun nyaris tak mengalami gangguan seperti alergi atau kerusakan pada kulitnya. Sabun sebagai bahan pembersih yang berbentuk cair maupun padat, bisa digunakan untuk mandi, mencuci pakaian, atau membersihkan peralatan rumah tangga.

Karena tuntutan industri massal untuk menghasilkan produk yang murah ,sabun mandi di pasaran memakai bahan dasar SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), SLS ini adalah bahan yang dipakai untuk membuat detergent. SLS disebut juga surfactant (agen pembersih).

Tentang Deterjen

Sebagai bahan pembersih lainnya, deterjen merupakan buah kemajuan teknologi yang memanfaatkan bahan kimia dari hasil samping penyulingan minyak bumi, ditambah dengan bahan kimia lainnya seperti fosfat, silikat, bahan pewarna, dan bahan pewangi. sekitar tahun 1960-an, deterjen generasi awal muncul menggunakan bahan kimia pengaktif permukaan (Surfaktan) Alkyl Benzene Sulfonat (ABS) yang mampu menghasilkan busa. Namun karena sifat ABS yang sulit diurai oleh mikroorganisme di permukaan tanah, akhirnya digantikan dengan senyawa "Linier Alkyl Sulfonat (LAS) yang diyakini relatif lebih akrab dengan lingkungan.

Pada banyak negara di dunia penggunaan ABS telah dilarang dan diganti dengan LAS. Sedangkan di Indonesia, peraturan mengenai larangan penggunaan ABS belum ada. Beberapa alasan masih digunakannya ABS dalam produk deterjen, antara lain karena harganya murah, kestabilannya dalam bentuk krim/pasta dan busanya melimpah.

Kandungan Zat Kimia pada Deterjen

Dibanding dengan sabun, deterjen mempunyai keunggulan antara lain mempunyai daya cuci yang lebih baik serta tidak terpengaruh oleh kesadahan air. Pada umumnya, deterjen mengandung bahan-bahan berikut :

Surfaktan. Surfaktan (surface active agent) merupakan zat aktif permukaan yang mempunyai ujung berbeda yaitu hidrofil (suka air) dan hidrofob (suka lemak). Surfaktan merupakan zat aktif permukaan yang termasuk bahan kimia organik. Ia memiliki rantai kimia yang sulit didegradasi (diuraikan) alam. Bahan aktif ini berfungsi menurunkan tegangan permukaan air sehingga dapat melepaskan kotoran yang menempel pada permukaan bahan, atau istilah teknisnya, ia berfungsi sebagai emulsifier, bahan pengemulsi.. Zat kimia ini bersifat toksik (beracun) bila dihirup, diserap melalui kulit atau termakan. Secara garis besar, terdapat empat kategori surfaktan yaitu:

• Anionik :

• Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (ABS)

• Linier Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (LAS)

• Alpha Olein Sulfonate (AOS)

• Kationik : Garam Ammonium

• Non ionik : Nonyl phenol polyethoxyle

• Amphoterik : Acyl Ethylenediamines

Builder. Builder (pembentuk) berfungsi meningkatkan efisiensi pencuci dari surfaktan dengan cara menon-aktifkan mineral penyebab kesadahan air.

• Fosfat : Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate (STPP)

• Asetat :

• Nitril Tri Acetate (NTA)

• Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA)

• Silikat : Zeolit

• Sitrat : Asam Sitrat

Filler. Filler (pengisi) adalah bahan tambahan deterjen yang tidak mempunyai kemampuan meningkatkan daya cuci, tetapi menambah kuantitas. Contohnya Sodium sulfat.

Aditif. Aditif adalah bahan suplemen / tambahan untuk membuat produk lebih menarik, misalnya pewangi, pelarut, pemutih, pewarna dst, tidak berhubungan langsung dengan daya cuci deterjen. Additives ditambahkan lebih untuk maksud komersialisasi produk. Contohnya Enzim, Boraks, Sodium klorida, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC)

Penggunaan Sabun dan Deterjen

Penggunaan sabun sebagai bahan pembersih yang dilarutkan dengan air di wilayah pegunungan atau daerah pemukiman bekas rawa sering tidak menghasilkan busa. Hal itu disebabkan oleh sifat sabun yang tidak akan menghasilkan busa jika dilarutkan dalam air sadah ( air yang mengandung logam-logam tertentu atau kapur ). Namun penggunaan deterjen dengan air yang bersifat sadah, akan tetap menghasilkan busa yang berlimpah.

Sabun maupun deterjen yang dilarutkan dalam air pada proses pencucian, akan membentuk emulsi bersama kotoran yang akan terbuang saat dibilas. Namun ada pendapat keliru bahwa semakin melimpahnya busa air sabun akan membuat cucian menjadi lebih bersih. Busa dengan luas permukaannya yang besar memang bisa menyerap kotoran debu, tetapi dengan adanya surfaktan, pembersihan sudah dapat dilakukan tanpa perlu adanya busa.

Opini yang sengaja dibentuk bahwa busa yang melimpah menunjukkan daya kerja deterjen adalah menyesatkan. Jadi, proses pencucian tidak bergantung ada atau tidaknya busa atau sedikit dan banyaknya busa yang dihasilkan. Kemampuan daya pembersih deterjen ini dapat ditingkatkan jika cucian dipanaskan karena daya kerja enzim dan pemutih akan efektif. Tetapi, mencuci dengan air panas akan menyebabkan warna pakaian memudar. Jadi untuk pakaian berwarna, sebaiknya jangan menggunakan air hangat/panas.

Pemakaian deterjen juga kerap menimbulkan persoalan baru, terutama bagi pengguna yang memiliki sifat sensitif. Pengguna deterjen dapat mengalami iritasi kulit, kulit gatal-gatal, ataupun kulit menjadi terasa lebih panas usai memakai deterjen.

Umumnya pada deterjen anionik ditambahkan zat aditif lain (builder) seperti :

• Golongan ammonium kuartener (alkyldimetihylbenzyl-ammonium cloride, diethanolamine/DEA). Perlu diketahui, zat kimia ini sering digunakan pada produk pembersih perawatan tubuh untuk menjaga pH (derajat keasaman) formula. Dapat menyebabkan reaksi alergi, iritasi mata, kekeringan, dan toksik jika digunakan dalam waktu lama. Zat karsinogen ini telah dilarang di Eropa tapi masih ditemukan pada formula kosmetik.

• Chlorinated trisodium phospate (chlorinated TSP). Zat kimia ini merupakan zat karsinogenik.

• Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Zat kimia ini dapat mengubah sistem imun (kekebalan) dan menyebabkan kerusakan pada mata, saluran cerna, sistem saraf, paru-paru dan kulit. Umumnya ditemukan pada produk berbusa untuk perawatan tubuh. Mungkin terdaftar sebagai komponen produk semi natural yang diklaim berasal dari minyak kelapa.

• Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). Bila dikombinasi dengan bahan lain, zat kimia ini membentuk zat nitrosamin dan mempunyai efek karsinogen pada tubuh. Perlu kehati-hatian terhadap produk semi natural yang diklaim berasal dari minyak kelapa.

• Linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS). Zat kimia ini juga merupakan zat karsinogenik.

Dampak Penggunaan Sabun dan Deterjen Bagi Kesehatan dan Lingkungan

• Golongan ammonium kuartener itu dapat membentuk senyawa nitrosamin. Senyawa nitrosamin diketahui bersifat karsinogenik, dapat menyebabkan kanker.

• Senyawa SLS, SLES atau LAS mudah bereaksi dengan senyawa golongan ammonium kuartener, seperti DEA untuk membentuk nitrosamin tadi. Bukan cuma itu, SLS diketahui menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit, memperlambat proses penyembuhan dan penyebab katarak pada mata orang dewasa.

• LAS relatif mudah didegradasi secara biologi ketimbang ABS. LAS bisa terdegradasi sampai 90 persen. Tapi bukan berarti masalah selesai. LAS juga butuh proses. Jadi di bagian ujung rantai kimianya harus dipecah. Ikatan o-meganya harus diputus dan butuh proses beta oksidasi. Karena itu perlu waktu.

• Menurut penelitian, alam membutuhkan waktu sembilan hari untuk mengurai LAS. Itu pun hanya sampai 50 persen. Melihat bahwa saat ini banyak rumah tangga yang membuang sisa cuciannya begitu saja tanpa pengolahan limbah sebelumnya, maka alam diharapkan mampu mendegradasinya.

• Sebelum dibuang dan bercampur dengan bahan baku air bersih, limbah cucian membutuhkan proses pengolahan yang rumit. Agar senyawa detergen terurai, limbah harus mendapat sinar ultraviolet yang cukup dan diendapkan sekitar tiga pekan. Makanya, negara yang mengizinkan pemakaian LAS rata-rata sudah memiliki sistem pengolahan air yang memadai.

• Proses penguraian deterjen akan menghasilkan sisa benzena yang apabila bereaksi dengan klor akan membentuk senyawa klorobenzena yang sangat berbahaya. Kontak benzena dan klor sangat mungkin terjadi pada pengolahan air minum, mengingat digunakannya kaporit (dimana di dalamnya terkandung klor) sebagai pembunuh kuman pada proses klorinasi.

• Saat ini, instalasi pengolahan air milik PAM dan juga instalasi pengolahan air limbah industri belum mempunyai teknologi yang mampu mengolah limbah deterjen secara sempurna.

• Penggunaan fosfat sebagai builder dalam deterjen perlu ditinjau kembali, mengingat senyawa ini dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab proses eutrofikasi (pengkayaan unsur hara yang berlebihan) pada sungai/danau yang ditandai oleh ledakan pertumbuhan algae dan eceng gondok menyebabkan terjadinya pendangkalan sungai. Pertanda lonceng kematian bagi kehidupan penghuni sungai.

• Di beberapa negara Eropa, penggunaan fosfat telah dilarang dan diganti dengan senyawa substitusi yang relatif lebih ramah lingkungan.

• Penggunaan deterjen dapat mempunyai risiko bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Risiko deterjen yang paling ringan pada manusia berupa iritasi (panas, gatal bahkan mengelupas) pada kulit terutama di daerah yang bersentuhan langsung dengan produk.

• Hal ini disebabkan karena kebanyakan produk deterjen yang beredar saat ini memiliki derajat keasaman (pH) tinggi. Dalam kondisi iritasi/terluka, penggunaan produk penghalus apalagi yang mengandung pewangi, justru akan membuat iritasi kulit semakin parah.

• Sabun mandi memang menghasilkan buih atau gelombang busa yang terlalu banyak. Formula soda ash atau detergen memang diakui andal membersihkan kotoran di kulit tubuh. Namun, jika digunakan di muka, minyak alami wajah Anda pun akan ikut tanggal. Bahkan sabun bisa menyisakan drying residu di permukaan kulit. Dan hal ini bisa mempercepat garis dan kerut muncul ke permukaan lebih cepat.


Lingkungan kita yang hijau, juga membutuhkan pembersih, apa gunanya jika kita peduli pada lingkungan, tapi rumah kita kotor berantakan? Alasan yang biasanya muncul adalah karena bahan pembersih yang biasanya tidak ramah lingkungan, bahkan berbahaya bagi lingkungan.

Tidak lupa untuk mengingatkan, perhatikan selalu komposisi bahan produk deterjen dan sabun anda, ataupun produk pembersih lainnya untuk memastikan bahwa produk yang anda gunakan aman. Cari terus informasi mengenai zat-zat kimia perusak kesehatan dan lingkungan hidup, dan sebarluaskan informasi tersebut kepada orang lain.
Salam Sejahtera dan Selamat Berkarya
Sapto T Poedjanarto
Program & IT Officer
Demak Lantern Indonesia

Griya Bhakti Praja Blok K 8
Mangunjiwan Demak Jawa Tengah

Jl Tunjung Baru 22 Baciro
Jogjakarta 55225

Advantages of Eating Honey


Honey, one of the natural syrups, contains glucose, fructose, vitamins, and minerals. It offers a large number of benefits. Honey was considered good for health in ancient times, and the story continues till today even after scientific intervention—researchers also accepted its value and they endorsed its use in various ways. There is no doubt that eating honey is beneficial, but sometimes it can also be good if used as conditioner or moisturizer. Following are few of the advantages of eating honey: Increases Antioxidant Level
Eating honey leads to increase in the antioxidant levels, which are helpful in protecting cell damages caused by free radicals. The ability of the honey to increase the antioxidant level can be determined by the color itself—darker the honey, higher will be the antioxidant levels.

Healing Powers

Honey has strong healing powers. For example, it can heal wounds and is also helpful in case of stomach aches and dehydration. Honey can also be used to cure ulcers—stomach ulcers, in particular. Honey can also cure certain allergies! Yes, it is true that honey can help a person suffering from allergy. The honey from the local area of the sufferer, in particular, can give best results. Above all, it does not contain any chemicals or harmful ingredients which are present in other medicines, and therefore, is free from side-effects.

Provides several vitamins and minerals
Honey contains many vitamins such as B1, B2, C, B6, B5, and B3 along with several minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium chlorine, and sulfur. It also contains copper, iodine, zinc, and several kinds of hormones. All these are required by human body in some quantity.

Advantages of Eating Dates


To describe the advantages of dates in a few words, it is good to quote them as an essential part of one’s diet, so that it can be considered as a balanced diet. Dates are composed of various fats, sugar, vitamins, and minerals, which our body requires. Arabs, for example, eat dates along with milk—making it more beneficial. However, a few of its advantages are described below. Strengthens the Muscles
Although dates are rich in providing to strength to everybody, but during the last months of pregnancy the advantages are doubled—dates strengthen muscles of the uterus. Dates also strengthen a weak heart!
Easily digested
Dates are rich in fibers and one can easily digest them. Researchers showed that dates can also be helpful in curing certain abdominal diseases including abdominal cancer.

Rich with Vitamins, Minerals, and other elements needed

Dates contain many vitamins and minerals required by human body. Calcium, for example, is an essential element for bones, and dates can provide this element in a good quantity. So, it will be very good if breast feeding mothers can eat dates, as the baby is getting many elements required for the body.

Energy Giving
Normally, it is observed that one may feel hungry if sugar levels are reduced in the body irrespective of the condition of the stomach. Dates can well serve the purpose, because these provide energy.

Some other advantages of eating dates include treating constipation, prevention against night blindness and improving health of eyes, and a solution for alcoholic intoxication.

Advantages of Black Seeds


Black seed or sometimes known by other names such as, Black Cumin, Black Caraway Seed, and Nigella Sativa—also its botanical name—is a widely used herb in Asia, Middle East, and Africa by a large number of people for their health. Earlier, people used it as a traditional herb, but in present times, research and studies showed the proof of its benefits.Black seeds are obtained from the fruit of Nigella sativa—a plant that gives fruits once a year. Generally, the fruit is a large capsule shaped that contains united follicles, and the black seeds are contained in these united follicles. However, the number of united follicles may vary from three to seven in a fruit. The taste of black seeds is pungent bitter, and these are mostly used in liquor and candies.The use of black seeds is not limited only to its original form—oil is also used for various purposes including medicinal, skin care, and others. Also, modern researchers believe that it is very good if it is taken in combination with other herbs. Black seeds are believed to have ability to cure any disease of human body; however, death is the only exception to it! One can also find references of black seeds in many holy books—supporting its use and medicinal effects!
Advantages of Black Seeds
Black seeds, both in seed form and oil, offer several advantages to the human body. A few of these are listed below.

* It helps in the treatment of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Rheumatism,
* In case of nursing mothers, black seeds increase milk production.
* Helps in fighting against parasitic infections.
* If used in oil form, it helps in treating skin conditions including eczema and boils.
* It is also helpful for the treatment and improvement of respiratory health, stomach, and intestinal health.
* Improves kidney and liver functioning.
* Supports circulatory and immune system.
* Promotes digestion.
* Lowers blood sugar levels.

So, from the abovementioned points, it is clear that black seeds are capable of doing wonders—treating chronic diseases and also supports immune system to prevent from many diseases.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Purple Rosella


This plant is well known by the name of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L) coming from India have also said that from West Africa, many plants grow on this land with many names such as acid marshy, acid beetle, and sour edge. India in the West said jamaican sorrel, rosella seeds grow with or with reach 3-5 meters high and flowering throughout the year in each axilla after the age of 45-60 days. The plant that is in use and the interest rates have been widely used as a material such as food, jelly, candy, tea, and juice. In addition rosella is used as a medicine or tonic for substance-substances that are important to, the body of one of them is the womb that vitamin C is high enough.
Gynecology oxygen and nutrition interest Rosella.
Rosella and antisianin contains a high acid, therefore removing the Rosella flower extract liquid reddish purple and have a sour taste is the main acid sitrik and maliek.
Amino acid also contains by this plant, especially arginine and lysine. When together with other amino acids, namely glutamic acid will be beneficial to the body for hormone ageless, uterus ascorbit acid, vitamin C is very high compared types of other plants, the results of research that each 100 grams of Rosella flower contains 224.4 mg vitamin C, compared with 100 grm papaya 71 mg Vit C, Vit C 25.8 star fruit and orange 49 mg Vit C.
Some of the analysis conducted in Guatemala flower this plant contains: carotin 0029 mg, 0117 mg thiamin, ribovalvin 0277 mg, 3765 mg niasin.
Uterus is in the form of tea polyphenol as a very useful anti oksidan for counteract radicals-free radicals that trigger the occurrence of generative diseases. Flower and fruit contains flavanoid that act as antibiotics causes bacteria killer disease, and filter out poisons in the body.
Glucose hubiscin also believed very helpful in managing blood sugar for people with diabetes mellitus.
Flowers and plants contain this gossy, anthocyanin which have the effect diuretik and expedite the kolerik defecate, reduce the heat in, increasing employment and decreasing gut blood pressure high, the actual level of Vitamin C is used to improve vitality body.
The flower is also used as material lulur because it contains Vitamin E and betakaroten high enough.
Usefulness Rosella
Rosella flower traditionally used as a food, drink and drugs. Rosella Guinea in the leaves is used as diuretik, dowing temperature and pain calming, fruit as anti skorbut (lip broken in pieces acute). Stew the interest rates used as gall sickness prevention (although it is not recommended because it will reduce the contains). Gynecology gossypetin, anthocyanin, and glucose hibiscin have any effect diuretik and koleretik, decrease the thickness of blood, prevent high blood pressure, intestinal increase performance ..
Rosella used in Taiwan as diuretik, stomach laxative, and tonic (tonic). In the Philippines Rosella root is used as a tonic and aperitive. Angola liquid community use for cough medicine and emollient. African people use the leaves for asbestos injury in skint and Rosella eaten seeds contain oil because it is said, the community Rosella processed using Sudan as a traditional national beverage by the name of the Sudan Karkadeh.
PT Demaco Indotama, east java process as Rosella Hibiscus tea red flower with a different base material and the property is more than just an ordinary tea.
According to A Naufal Ag Putra evidence Rosella flowers made the tea as the basic material has the effect of anti hypertension, muscle cramps, and anti-bacterial infection, is found in the experiment Rosella flower extracts reduce the effect of alcohol in our bodies, prevent the formation of kidney stones, and slow the growth of fungus / bacteria / parasite causes a high fever. Rosella flower known to help smooth blood circulation and reduce the degree of thickness of blood, this occurs kerena organic acid, polysakarida, Eden flavanoid in the flower sheath Rosella. (Nature magazine 06.2005)
We provide Rosella purple powder simplisia and food ready.


Standardization of Traditional Medicine


Indonesian traditional medicine initially only be divided into two groups, namely traditional medicine and herbal medicine, with growing tehnologi has been created tehnologi processing in the form of herbal extracts.
On 17 May 2004 the Food and Drugs Control (POM) to the RI official announced indonesian natural medicine in the decision-making body POM RI No HK. the regiment is based on herbal medicine making, claims and the level of user verification savor medicines in the three traditional categories, and as a condition must have the highest clinical testing, pre-clinical testing and empirical test.
This done to the potential of traditional medicine is used in the community and since time immemorial so its future will be found in the herbal treatment that is able to provide a variety of diseases.Jamu (empirical based herbal medicine)
Jamu is a traditional medicine in the form of a drink (powder), pill and liquid composition consisting of several types of herbal recipes that refer to the relic first and has been for many years safe and nutritious for the treatment so that clinical testing is not necessary because there is empirical evidence .

Herbal medicine standard (scientific based herbal medicine)
Traditional medicine in the form of extract or extracts taken from plants, animals and minerals. For this type of scientific evidence must be supported with pre-clinical research, such as the actual standard of raw materials, making the standard (extraction), the standard processing and higiensi test test toksisitas acute or chronic.

Fitofarmaka (based clinical herbal medicine)
Is a traditional medicine that has been in equaled with modern medicine because that was the process of standard, be supported with scientific evidence to clinical testing in humans that will convince the medical use as an herbal health service facilities.


Plastic Danger


Already many people warn, rumor, gossip and even magazine articles about the dangers of plastic. But still only a few people who respond, or care to investigate further.

Plastics is one of the materials that we can find in almost every item. Start drinking from a bottle, TV, refrigerator, pralon pipes, plastic laminating, false teeth, compact disk (CD), kutex (cleaning nails), cars, machinery, military equipment to pesticides. Therefore, we can almost never be using, and have items that contain Bisphenol-A. One of the items that use plastic and contain Bisphenol A is a food and beverage industry as a place to store food, plastic food cover, mineral water bottles, baby bottles and even now there are baby bottles and food storage that does not contain Bisphenol A is safe to be used so that food . One test proved 95% of the goods never contain Bisphenol-A.

Plastics are used because the light, not easily broken, and cheap. plastic can but also at risk for environmental health and our family. Therefore, we must understand plastic-plastic-safe for our use.

What's the meaning of symbols that we met on the various plastic products?

1-PETE # 1. PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles used for ordinary plastic clear / transparent / see-through, such as mineral water bottles, juice bottles, and almost all other beverage bottles. Boto-bottles with the # 1 and # 2 is only recommended for use. Do not use for warm water let alone hot. Dispose of bottles that have long-or visible laceration laceration.

2-HDPE # 2. HDPE (high density polyethylene) bottles are used to regular milk white milk. Same as # 1 PET, # 2 is also recommended to only use once.

3-V # 3. V or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic is the most difficult in the recycling. Plastics can be found on the plastic wrapping (cling wrap), and bottles. Gynecology DEHA from PVC which is located in the plastic wrapping and can seep into food when heated oily. PVC potentially dangerous for the kidneys, heart and body weight.

4-LDPE # 4. LDPE (low density polyethylene) used for the regular food and bottles of soft. Goods with the code # 4 can be recycled and for both goods that require flexibility, but strong. # 4 with the goods can not be spelled out in destroyed but still good places for food.

5-PP # 5. PP (Polypropylene) is the best option for plastic materials, especially related to food and drink such as a store of food, bottled water and most bottled water for babies. Characteristics is usually transparent bottles that are not clear or cloudy. Search this symbol if the purchase of plastic.

6-PS # 6. PS (polystyrene) material usually used as a place to eat styrofoam, water use, etc.. Polystyrene Materials styrine material can leak into the food when food is brush. Material Styrine dangerous for the brain and nerve system. Besides the food, styrine can also be obtained from cigarette smoke, smoke and vehicle construction building materials. This material should be avoided and many states in the United States already prohibits the use of styrofoam food including Chinese state.

7-in # 7. Other (usually polycarbonate) can be found in foods and beverages such as sports drink bottles. Polycarbonate materials can be the main issue that is Bisphenol-A in food and beverages that can potentially damage the hormone system. Avoid Polycarbonate plastic material.

Still a lot of plastic items that do not include symbols, especially plastic goods made locally in Indonesia. Therefore, if you feel better not to buy. Even if bersimbol goods more expensive, the price is more valuable than our family's health.

In the end. Avoid using any plastic in Microwave. Use of ceramic, glass or pyrex instead.

Avoid also the trash, especially plastic that contain Bisphenol-A haphazard because no materials could contaminate ground water which in turn can contaminate drinking water a lot of people.


Avoid senility in young


The brain actually does not have amnesia. Brain can record everything as well as the computer, even if the problem amnesia can occur because we do not practice it to remember the information so that we have the memory may be lost. The brain as the body needs the other physical and mental exercise with nutrition, especially to increase the strength of mind power, here are some things you can do to maintain power still remember well:

Consume soy.
According to Professor Sandra File from Guy's Hospital London, soybean isoflavon contain reseptor which act as estrogen in the human brain, especially hippocampus area as important for the memory area so that new nerve connections to help more readily.
Research at Kings College, London and the University of Rochester, New York showed that a decrease in consumption of iron can have a detrimental effect on IQ levels and cognitive function as iron play an important role in the seignal in the brain.
Mental exercise.
Research shows that mental stimulus can keep the brain healthy increase strength and power remember. People who have power tend to have a good mind and desire can overcome the challenges to mental exercise.
Physical exercise.
Half-hour physical exercise three times a week is quite an impact on increasing the strength of the brain because sports can improve the ability of the heart to pump blood more effectively.
Consume gingko biloba.
This herb is used as a brace power remember since eon ago. According to Dr George Lewith, gingko can improve blood circulation to the brain to dilate blood vessel thereby increasing oxygen supply.
Fish oil.
Fish oil containing Omega 3 which important components of the cell membrane and can improve brain power remember.
Vitamin B.
Vitamin B works to send oxygen to the brain and provide protection against damage-free, vitamin B strain and increase the mind also needed to help the body establish a acetycholine chemicals needed to increase the recall. Niacin or B3 both to strengthen the brain. B6 to produce important neurotransmitter, especially to improve the mood. B12 good for overall brain health. (Nature magazine 02.2005)


Organic food is best medicine


Humans now have more trust that is not true of drugs and surgical techniques. Undergo surgery and take medication without cause will make the situation in which "all persons using the medicine" that will be a confidence that "drug use is doing to maintain health." People have forgotten about the basic human health. Anyone who has knowledge of drugs should be aware or even know exactly that all types of medicines because of the toxin cause side effects. Most of the drugs in the beginning may be able to re-invigorate our bodies. But with the stimulus that increases the long run we will weaken body.
If health care is the answer now, and health insurance. So people will bring home the health of their pharmacies and drug stores. Because the djavascript:void(0)rugs are found everywhere. At the present time the public will not have high blood diseases, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, heart disease and others. Actual fact only medicines can cure the disease for a while even with the progress tehnologi. Basic health care is a "back to nature experience" we can keep in with the real truth with reference to the time of first treatment method, namely, "naturopati / healing of the body", with the natural resilience of self, our bodies undergo a process of healing / treatment of manifest . Drugs and surgery should be the last option because the drug is the best food is natural and free of pollution.

Some of the problems in our health comes from the food we eat every day we know without containing chemicals such as food additive, taste and coloring semblant, preservative, antibiotic, toxic to animal food in the destroyer, and others. All materials will increase the actual poison / toxin in our body.
Poison / toxin should persist in the blood, the blood will increase the channel and will cause heart disease. If you continue to reside in the heart causes the stiffening of the heart and liver. If you are in the lungs will cause mucus and signs of asthma. Filtering system when we can not clean the toxin-toxin will be issued through the skin and causes the skin disease.
Methods of health care is best to remove the toxin from the body not with drugs. With foods that are free of pollution (organic food), fasting and bowel wash based on experience and scientific evidence by the health experts are able to prevent modern diseases.
He shalallahu'alaihi wasalam said: "source of all disease is the belly, the belly is a warehouse of drugs and fasting is" (HR. Muslim)
Dr. Victoriron USA: "Wash your gut, that you feel 20 years younger, if each person regularly wash intestine, 95% had clinic will be closed for lack of patients."
Dr. Norman Walker, DSC, Phd. USA: "Washing will remove the bowel obstruction, feeling lethargic, weak digestive disease, joint pain, waist pain, flatulence, diabetes, and others."
Sir Arburthnot Lane, MD. London: "I have experienced many cases surgery can be dodged with the intestinal wash, because 90% of human disease in the present time the intestine caused by dirty and does not function normally."
Mal Nikoff, expert pathology Nobel prize winner: "Food poison that clog our bodies, and bring the disease and speed penuaan".
Dr. Robert Gray. USA: "live parasites multiply in the belly of a dirty system."
Dr. Barlev Lenson Jakarta: eat food that does not pollution (0% pollution) will help the body to:
Perform detoxification (discharge of poison in the body).
Strengthen the immune system (body's resistance against disease).
Establish balanced living patterns.
Rejuvenescence help the body cells, and prevent the aging sustainability.
Henry B Beley a Doctor United States has created 4 (four) the conclusion of his experience in the field of health for 55 years:
1. Causes disease is not from the bacteria, but poison / toxin that from food poisoning. Poison / toxin is causing damage to cells so that the infected bacteria tissu.
2. In many cases the use of drugs to cure diseases dangerous side effects of drugs can bring death / death.
3. Organic food is the best choice to treat diseases and strengthen the body.
5. integrate theory praktical understanding and treatment of nature. people experience pain because toxin collected continuously in the body.
In conclusion it poisoned the body / disease comes from food that is not healthy so that the process of disposal toxic cumulation hampered due to the remaining food in the gut wall causing choking path remaining food disposal that is not needed by the body.
What is a sewage clog?
Clog sewage is the source of all disease. An investigation conducted by some experts say that the Japanese heavy dirt that clog in the body weight on average 2 to 4 kg. Dirt clog the rest of the food that is left behind in our gut, and it will stick to the intestinal wall and absorbed by layers mukosa ago to go to the heart and result in:
1. Difficulty toxic disposal process
2. Hampered metabolic process
3. Toxication in the body


benefits of soy fiber in health


On some people, fiber (pulp) of food is only considered as a source of energy that are not very useful. In fact the results of the investigation shows that fiber is good for health, namely to help prevent constipation, prevent cancer, prevent pain in your colon, helps reduce cholesterol level, helps control the sugar in the blood, prevent hemorrhoids, helps reduce body weight, and others. benefits of fiber foods good for health maintenance, disease prevention and therapy. Diseases associated with lack of fiber there are several kinds of food such as Obesity, hypertension, hiperlipidemia, aterosklerosis, diabetes, gall stones, divertikulosis disease, hemorrhoids, hiatal Hernia, colon cancer, dental pain, and others. Approximately two-thirds hypertension cases are caused by Obesity or overweight.

There are several reasons why fiber food can prevent Obesity, that is, food with no fiber contains far more energy than the fibers that contain. Fibers increase the intensity of mastication, slow process of eating, and prevent rapid digestion of food. Diet rich in fiber can increase ekskresi fat and nitrogen through the faeces or feses. Foods that contain fiber will provide a sense of satiety longer than without the fiber.

In the century to the SM-5, Hipprocrates, should recommend that the bread made from flour that is not mashed. The role of fiber in the main food is the water binding capacity, sellulosa and pectin. With the fiber, to help speed up the remnants of food through the alimentary tract to diekskresikan out. Fiber without assistance, feses with lower water contents will stay longer in the channel and the intestine through the intestine to the soup can diekskresikan out because peristaltic movements large intestine become more slow. There is fiber in food feses cause large intestine absorb more water so the consistency becomes soft and large volume.

Fiber is needed by the human body. Therefore, we are highly recommended to consume enough fiber each day. There are some healthy benefits of fiber are:

Normal cholesterol level, blood sugar Manage and measure the energy in the body, Reducing the risk of bowel cancer, constipation and hemorrhoids, Helping those who are suffering from insulin resistance, Helps smooth defecate and especially those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (ibs), Maintain weight normal because fiber makes stomach full of fiber that come late to help control the blood sugar in people with diabetes and cholesterol level.

Among the food sources that contain fiber are vegetables, fruit and soy products. A study in the United States proves that a high fiber diet that is 25 grams / day is able to improve blood sugar control, lower right reel-kantan excessive insulin in the blood and lower blood fat content.

The most obvious benefit of fiber foods is the avoidance of constipation (difficult to defecate or constipation). Interference defecate natural that you are most likely caused by a pattern that you eat less fiber. So sometimes you will experience more defecate longer transit timenya2-3 days, the transit time is longer allows the bacteria-bacterial agents and the causes of various diseases have an opportunity to do the activity in the body.

Conversely, if transit time by as many short fibers in the food consumed, the agents of disease was not activity, as soon issued with feses. That will reduce the risk of a disease such as tumor and cancer in the lower part of the alimentary tract, such as colon cancer.

Many studies prove that the fibers in the gut of food will make the transit of food through the channel gastrousus become more controlled. Fiber can also help reduce high blood cholesterol and help manage blood sugar in order to stabilize.

Fiber derived from this vegetable is a collection of various chemical substances are resistant to enzyme digestion so it can not be digested and destroyed. Precisely because this is not digested can help the process of disposal of leftover food in the body.

Several types of disease can be prevented by the fibers of which are:

1. Constipation

High consumption of fiber, will produce the amount of feces is greater, so it stimulates peristaltic movement of intestine to push out feces. Besides, fiber also formed feces soft and slippery so it was not hard or painful when removed.

2. Hemorrhoids

Fiber useful in the formation of soft feces and large intestinal muscles working so not too heavy to remove. The hard feces, and each time mengejan defecate bowel muscles will create a big risk going out and hemorrhoids or blood vessel dilation in the anus.

3. Bowel disturbances; Divertikulosis

Some adults age began an 45-year divertikulosis suffering. This condition occurred because the pressure that causes the emergence of bowel bulge-bulge abnormal bowel wall in the form of such a large ulcer. Protrusion can be binding on the dirt (feces) so that the inflammation that occurs painful. fiber food can so easily push feces is removed, so that the protrusion can decline and the long run will be lost. Although no cure, fiber can help prevent divertikulosis.

4. Obesity

Fibrous food is usually high berkalori also low. High-calorie if not offset with a burning energy source that is balanced from obesity. In addition, the soluble fiber, especially water, is able to prevent the rate of absorption of blood sugar and fat, and give full effect to a longer delay the desire to eat.

5. Diabetes

Not only sugar, carbohydrate in the body that will be converted into blood sugar with a particular enzyme digestion. The increase in blood sugar can be consumed if carbohydrate foods with fiber, especially the water soluble fiber. This will be very beneficial for diabetics, both type I and type II.

6. High Cholesterol level and coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (PJK) to be the main cause of death in almost every country. Of research have direct relationship between blood cholesterol concentration with BCC. Type of water soluble fiber is believed to be very effective in helping reduce bad cholesterol level in blood for up to 5% because of the ability of fat in the trap and remove them through the dirt that is not absorbed by the body.

7. Cancer

Once the food arrived in the large intestine, some microbes will analyze a residue-residue that is toxic. If there is contact with the gut mukosa a certain time, eg, chronic constipation, this toxic compound may lead to cancer or colon cancer kolon. Death due to cancer kolon ranks to-4, and to occupy the rank-2 cause of death due to cancer. Adequate fiber consumption will accelerate the transit lines in the dirt digestion, so that contact between the bowel wall and karsinogen the substance involved in more short of food, thereby reducing the chance of a cancer. Consume foods rich in fiber will reduce the risk of mouth cancer and infected throat cancer by 50%.

8. Increasing the Power Body Hold

In the colon we live many good bacteria that are useful for the health and vitality the body attacks the bacteria that evil brought by the food consumed.

Particularly soluble fiber that is prebiotik as food for bacteria, or both are often called probiotik. Fiber fermentation in the large intestine to increase the growth of bacteria laktat acid, which helps prevent the accumulation of toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria cause disease.

Most organizations recommend that the health of the world to maintain the health, adults should consume fiber foods as much as 20 to 35 grams per day. While for children under the age of 10 years about 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day, and children aged 10 years must consume fiber of 15 to 20 grams per day. Consume 30 to 40 grams of fiber per day can reduce the chance of a kolorektum disease such as diverticulitis and cancer.

To increase the consumption of fibrous food can be consumed with food that is rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and soybean products.

Extrak consume fiber rich or supplemen fiber in the form of a pill, tablet or powder recommended because less fiber in the form of supplements can cause constipation, especially when accompanied by consuming less water, or consume laxative ingredients to make the big move is also not recommended because it can lead to irritation in the gut in excessive doses. Consume fiber derived directly from food is better than consume fiber in the form of additional food (supplemen).


Benefits of soy for health.


Soybean is one of the types of beans called Latin Glycine max (L) is much husbandry mer apaddy field area after harvest of rice, soybean people be known with two varieties, namely yellow and black, but there is also the type of green soybean. This rare type of soybean husbandry some people do not even know. Containing soybean protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin A and B higher than the type of nuts the other, the fetus is not saturated fat, linoleat, oleat and akrahidrat function as lipotropikum substances that prevent the cumulation of fat in the body, while the uterus fiber is very high in soy, helps metabolism and lower cholesterol content in blood, oxygen mutagenik, anti cancer, genestein, namely fitoesterogen compound in soybeans can prevent cancer cell growth and tumor. Other diseases that can be prevented or dinetralisir with soybean, among others, diabetes, cough, edema, kidney, rheumatism, anemia, prevent attacks, hypertension, heart, hepatitis, diarrhea, and stomach aches. Composition existing in soybean isoflavon the compound is a correspond estrogen (estrogen like) this compound has potential as a Modulator Reseptor Selective Estrogen (MRES) and provide a positive effect on bone, such as raloxifene, because the origin of the plant so-called estrogen-fito. Many studies suggest mengkosumsi natural estrogen, such as isoflavon because they do not cause harmful side effects.

Isoflavon classified flavonoid group, polifenolik a compound found in many fruits, vegetables, and grains including genistin, daidzin, genistein and daidzein, from some food that has been analyzed soybean ranks first, it contains daidzein 10,5-85 and genestein of 26,8-120,5 as mg/100g dry weight.

Bahram H Arjmandi and colleagues from the Department of nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State Univesity reported that consuming 40 g soy protein per day for 3 months on women pascamenopouse, scara can significantly reduce ekskresi deoksipiridinolin (DPD) in the urin. While DPD sepesifik to bookmark resorpsi bone cells. There are two reasons why soybean increase bone formation: the first isoflavon soybean menstumulasi activity osteoblasti (bone forming cells) activity through reseptor-resptor estrogen. Both isvoflavon soybean production can increase growth hormone Insulin-like Growt Factor-1 (IGF-1).

either case study as a preventive or soybean penetralisir disease, conducted by Susan M Potter et al from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutriotion University of Illinois, with a suplementasi soy protein containing isoflavon of 56mg and 90 mg / day for 6 months to 66 women pascamenopouse. The result tulangnya mineral density in the group of 90 mg / day increased, whereas in group 56 mg / day does not change.

In Japanese society with the number of consumtion soybean soybean consumtion isoflavon average reached 35-200mg/day, this seems related to the low incidence of osteoporosis in Japanese women. But in Indonesia, isoflavonnya Feed 40mg/day more or less equivalent to 13.3 soybean / day, the number of consumtion may have helped achieve a peak bone mass, but far enough to keep the loss of bone mass in women over age 40 know pascamenopouse and the information age.

Experts in China mention , with foods rich in soy may reduce the risk of stomach cancer in women, a study of 1,700 women conducted by Cancer Institute Sanghai, said the soybean The more They eat, the less likely affected by cancer. This study took data from 832 women aged between Sanghai of 30-69 years who are diagnosed infected uterus and stomach cancer in the years 1997-2001, and 846 healthy women of the same age group, after five years to see their level consumtion soybean, found that women who suffer stomach cancer ate soy less than healthy women. There are phenomena of stomach cancer among Asian women much smaller than those living in western countries, this is likely due to consumption of soy, such as tempe and tahu higher-country Asian countries, so that the measured level isoflavon the women consumed Asia 25 times more than women living in western countries. (Nature magazine 06.2005)


Tips choose honey


Honey is a natural fluid that generally have a sweet taste, the honey produced by bees from flower pollen plants (Floral nectar) or other parts of plants (extra Floral nectar) or ekskresi insects. Currently, a variety of honey can be encountered with various in market brand packaging and carefulness in work so need to choose which we want honey honey is pure & genuine or not. Most honey producers to provide the guarantee of the authenticity of pure and, apart from the honey may that they offer a truly genuine and pure? To answer this need one tehnologi for authenticate , because even though we buy directly from the search breeder or honey in the forest can not be separated from authenticate honey, because assortment effort forgery or mixing honey with other materials can be done by anyone, anytime and anywhere .

Honey said the original and pure, when in the production process does not end until the results of mixing with any substance other than natural fluid produced by bees that is.

Authenticity of honey can be analyzed through a matrix substance of the honey part of the abortion is known, some of the others have not definition by modern science. Honey quality in Indonesia is set through the Indonesian National Standard (SNI No. 01-3545-2004) so that the honey has a quality SNI this is the most safe for consumption.

abreast now this is still just a person who doubts the ability honey in treatment and health care, nevertheless dzat create the honeymoon and all the creatures that honey is recommended for good health and healing.

The truth about the use of honey has been mentioned in Al-Qur'an (An-Nahl: 68-69) and some of the hadith of the Prophet with the honey treatment. And has also agreed that good Muslim or not convinced that the honey is the best drink supplement, for those Muslims who do not believe the truth and this can its Islamic doubt if he rejected the truth God's word in Surah An-Nahl: 68-69, and hadist-hadist which also explains about the honey is very much, and for what reason you do not believe that honey is a cure all diseases with approbationGod (example: Diabetes people should not consume honey because honey contains sugar, keep in mind the actual sugar in honey is not the same as sugar cane and the like, and many people have diabetes has increased with the routine health consume honey). To know this read on our explanation.

Empirical evidence also proved that honey nutritious ingredients for drugs or medicine. The use of honey is the most common drink regularly to maintain health (preventive) or treatment for healing (curative). Honey can also be used effectively for treatment outside the wound be smeared in a way directly on the body part that hurts.

What makes honey as a medicine?

Truth Al mentioned in the Qur'an about the honey-eternal until the end of the era and will not slider intellect by those who say modern honey is not good for health. Some scientific evidence has revealed that the honey into medicine, among others: the nature of anti mikrobia uterus caused honey sugar (the majority fruktosa) high, the low water level (micro-organisms need water to grow), honey acidity, and that arises from hidrogenperoksida reaction of glucose with honey water. Hydrogen peroxide this is one of the main killer micro organisms (the anti septik). Honey also contains anti oksidan unique (pinocembrin) & flavonoid that serves as an anti-bacterial agent.

Whether honey is suitable for all types of disease?

In the Qur'an is called the honey for human medicine (An-Nahl: 69) without mentioning drugs for certain diseases, so honey could be suitable for all kinds of diseases, including diseases that modern medicine has not been found. We are confident about the reliability of honey as a medicine because of this news has come from the heavens (Al-Qur'an and hadith of the Prophet) and thus also the number of substances contained in the honey that can not fully defined by modern man, hope honey provide answers to the problem as a health we are now and in the future. Some results of research that have already honey can be used for colic treatment, pankreatitis acute treatment, cancer treatment, tumor treatment, treatment of diabetes on the wound, and antibiotics, as for all kinds of diseases. Similarly honey is suitable for simple treatment such as ulcer, pustule, and the like through a process of osmosis the honey to absorb the fluid or pus in the ulcer and the like. A study the use of honey for 104 burn patients after 1 sunday, 91% patients free of infection and recover more quickly, than conventional medicine only 7% of infection-free. Another study on surgical patients caesar also prove magical honey salep as compared to the alcohol and Iodine. Honey makes the patient free of infection & recover more quickly.

Are all the honey has the same property?

Due to honey produced by bees from flower essence that is so disparate On the composition of honey can be different from the other honey. So when a fair is more suitable for honey and honey of the other more suitable for the other. However, the general substance-healing substances found in the honey honey as far as really genuine. Savor honey depends also on its quality. Honey processing can damage the quality fitonutriennya containing anti-cancer and anti tumor. Component of anti bacterial, anti-virus and anti fungi can be damaged by the processing that is not true.

How do I choose a good honeymoon?

Honey is a good that meets the standards of the authorities disuatu countries. In Indonesia, this is the standard of the SNI requires maximum water content of 22%. The lower the water level will be more durable saved (the findings of Egyptian pyramid can be thousands of years) will also be more effective for the treatment savour .

Is honey safe for diabetics?

People with diabetes generally have problems in the production of insulin that is used to split sugar substance (especially sukrosa namely disakarida type of sugar) into the body to be absorbed by the body. Sweet taste of honey in there is from a different type of sugar (particularly fruktosa namely monosakarida type of sugar) which can be directly absorbed by the body without enzyme. Research on the patient's pure honey morbid type 2 diabetes, pure honey that does not raise blood sugar. So honey is a natural sweetener safe for diabetics. Even has been scientifically honey is very effective for treatment of injuries arising from the disease diabetes (Dr. Jamal Burhan's University Iskandariah Egypt).

Whether honey can lower cholesterol?

From research conducted by some experts in Russia 75% patients can be derived through colesterol honey therapy within 3-6 months. Research pure honey in the other patients high cholesterol can reduce total cholesterol up to 8%, LDL down to 11%, and C reactive protein (a risk factor for disease kardiovaskular) down 75%.

Whether honey can be used for food diet?

Honey is a source of energy and calories, especially from a simple sugar (fruktosa), protein, sugar and less complex. In 1 spoon honey are +65 calories. When we drink 2 spoons honey in the morning, equal to +130 calories enough activities for 2-3 hours. For those of you who want to lose weight can drink 3-4 tbs in morning days and can be added 1-2 tbs around 10am, this way you do not feel hungry in the afternoon, because energy is still sufficient. At day you can drink 2 tablespoon before dinner. With this dietary pattern, your appetite will be reduced because the majority of energy supplied by honey, so the consumption of other foods can be pressed (Dr. Joseph Abas from Malaysia).

How is honey good dose for people who are healthy and for people who are sick?

For a healthy person and want to use honey to maintain health and vitality, then drink honey 1-2X a day 1 tablespoon is sufficient. For the drinking honey to cure a disease is recommended to drink more between 3-4 X 1 tablespoon a day.

Some of the honey on one of the many we encountered in the community because of their lack of knowledge about the honey in them:

* Honey is the original honey that can explode when opened or closed otherwise.

This type of honey is a type of honey with the quality is not good, because this honey has a womb so that excess water going fermentation and cause gas.

* Honey is the original honey ant is not preferred.

Honey contains sugar, which types of insects will be like this type of sugar, but the type of sugar in honey is not the same as the other sugar, so it can not be used as a reference if eaten honey ant honey is not the original show.

* Honey crystallize not show the original honey.

There is a type of honey such as honey crystallize rubber, However the crystal honey can be melted with heating and remain safe consumption.

* Honey is the honey of native bersanad (path to get honey from the breeder / search through the distribution of honey).

Sanad honey is not a guarantee genuine and pure. With tehnologi will be honey is pure or not, so not enough to rely sanad know honey is not pure or as evidenced after the honey was brought to the laboratory show that the fetus should not have honey in water, such as saccharin or profiteering.

Super Herbaqu honey is pure honey without the process of heating and chemical process, free from additional materials that can be consumed safely.

Honey Super Herbaqu is a choice for you who need pure honey with the quality set by the institution that authorized the Indonesian National Standard for the quality of the honey with water content less than 22%.

we provide a honey with the specifications above Rp. 4.5000, -/botle net: 0.5 liter

pleace click here to buy.


Lulur skin care with home-made


This recipe is inspired from a skin care product with lulur sold on supermarket or store, this product now and we have used with quite satisfactory results. Benefit from lulur this is to reduce wrinkling, skin and clean up dead skin, refine skin becoming and so appear more bright. Previous to eliminate wrinkling in face been tried with the egg white (egg bustard should use because, if the egg will be many who expelled) but the use of egg white is not effective because mubadzir (because yellow expelled). Seeing the personal experiences we tried several ways to dry out food and Alhamdulillah lulur successful although the results for their own enjoyment, now we give this recipe to your needs.

1. Lulur cleaning face scrub with the grain.


Rice, rice flour, temulawak, apocado, betel leaf binahong or composition and the number is up you can be added or replaced with another material, in general, that is the material we use.

Ways of making:

1. Rendam rice in a few minutes to 1 hour or until soft when diblender.
2. Destroy with a blender or other tool, temulawak, apocado, and leaves you like (temulawak and leaves squashy take water), blender rice that has been soaked blender until finely adjusted to the needs in the fine grain or slightly rough.
3. Mix all ingredients with the rice flour until the dough is so flat and not soft (pure / handy). Can add appropriate perfume taste.
4. Destroy the dough in the form of grain and heat in the sun, However we do not recommend this because it is too long, use 2 pieces of pan should be heated over the stove gas stove that does not smell of smoke. The bottom pan with the fire directly, while the second layer pan only get a hot frying pan by on the right lines first. fry without oil
earlier material to dry and become dust. Drying in this way requires appropriate training so that the desired result because we also need time to be able to do this successfully to dry out this way. If you have a store in a closed meeting retention container products depends atu not dry, the dry retentioning longer and can be used during the time. Green Soybean Powder because the product containing processed soybean leticin that can help overcome the interference and skin rejuvenation skin. Read more benefits of Green Soybean Powder.

Rules used:

Take as needed powder lulur Mix made you this if you like honey and water until the dough becomes, we recommend the addition of honey due to the many benefits of honey for skin care, while benefits are felt immediately, the skin feels softer and smoother.

wiping overlooks your face, shut uping a few minutes until slightly dry and then scrub gently with a little massage or pressure in the exit from the (middle of the face massage or press out).

Note: If you are concerned about skin abrasions with a grain of rice can be abandoned to scrub or do not need to use a scrub.

1. Lulur to the body.

In fact, this is not a prescription treatment for the body but can also be used for this, because this lulur we use when the body fell dizzy or feel less fit, the results achieved with this lulur skin feel smoother and softer, more flexible, clean, and the body feels light, such as consumables massage because of the influence of a grain of rice rubbed to body cause pressures on the meridian point light Akupuntur the overall body.


Rice, kencur, avocado or tamarind, betel leaf, or the type of the other.

Material benefit:

rice works as a scrub and scrape the skin off subtilize skin, stimulate kencur heat, stretch, and pore-pore smooth blood circulation.

Fruits as nutrition for the skin and cause a soft effect when rubbed to body so safe from abrasions due to the influence of friction grain rice.

Betel leaf function as natural antibiotics for the skin.

Ways of making:

Once that's done selection of materials saturate rice until soft to blendering.

Destroy / blender all ingredients until smooth in addition to rice and then enter the new rice and rice to the blender again destroyed the grain a bit rough. Add honey for good results.

Rules used:

rubing evenly overlooks the body with the right start. The front of the body starting from the bottom to adjust the flow of blood from the legs towards increased into chest hold hands out.

The back of the body starting from the edge of the back entrance into posterior ago into foot down.

Make a light massage on the hands and feet where the area has a point associated with the massage of internal organs. Behind the body there is a round spine.

Scrub re repeated, once considered simply Rinse with warm water until clean.

Then do not forget to drink a concoction of chili jawa, lempuyang, temulawak, turmeric, ginger and white / red, tubers or leaves of the gods, liman flat, brown sugar or honey. Materials if no use can improvise all the basic ingredients chili-lempuyang, temulawak, turmeric, ginger, brown sugar or honey. Afternoon waiting to do tomorrow insyaallah body will feel more fit and lightweight. wallahua'lam. Caution:

Prescription-a prescription is not an advice, recommendation or referral of this recipe, but our own experience, if useful to you, we only expect a reward from Allah alone. If not, look at the lack of yourself, your skin may not match, the less material or otherwise. "... Then ask for the person who has knowledge if you do not know" (An Nahl: 43)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Standarisasi obat tradisional


Obat tradisional indonesia semula hanya dibedakan menjadi dua kelompok yaitu jamu dan obat tradisional, dengan berkembangnya tehnologi telah diciptakan tehnologi pengolahan herbal dalam bentuk ekstrak.
Pada tanggal 17 mei 2004 Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (POM) RI dengan resmi mengumumkan obat bahan alami indonesia dalam keputusan kepala badan POM RI No HK. yang menggolongkan obat herbal berdasarkan cara pembuatan, klaim pengguna dan tingkat pembuktian khasiat obat-obat tradisional dalam tiga kategori, dan sebagai syarat tertinggi harus ada uji klinis, uji pra klinis dan uji empiris.
Hal ini dilakukann untuk mengangkat potensi obat tradisional yang sudah memasyarakat dan digunakan sejak jaman dahulu sehingga pada kedepannya akan diketemukan herbal yang mampu memberikan pengobatan berbagai macam penyakit.

Jamu (empirical based herbal medicine)
Jamu adalah obat tradisional dalam bentuk seduhan (serbuk), pil dan cair yang terdiri dari komposisi beberapa jenis herbal yang mengacu pada resep peninggalan jaman dahulu dan sudah terbukti selama bertahun-tahun aman dan berkhasiat untuk pengobatan sehingga tidak diperlukan uji klinis karena sudah ada bukti empiris.

Obat herbal tersetandar (scientific based herbal medicine)
Obat tradisional dalam bentuk sari ataupun ekstrak yang diambil dari tanaman, hewan dan mineral. Untuk jenis ini harus ditunjang bukti ilmiah dengan penelitian pra klinik seperti standar kandungan bahan baku, standar pembuatan (ekstraksi), standar pengolahan yang higiensi dan uji uji toksisitas akut maupun kronis.

Fitofarmaka (clinical based herbal medicine)
Merupakan obat tradisional yang telah disejajarkan dengan obat modern karena proses pembuatan yang telah tersetandar, ditunjang dengan bukti ilimiah sampai uji klinik pada manusia yang akan meyakinkan para medis menggunakan herbal sebagai sarana palayanan kesehatan.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Minyak Bulus


Naufal Attamimi.

Minyak bulus..minyak bulus..dan minyak bulus lagi...
ya tentu minyak bulus..ada apa dengan minyak bulus?
Tentu sudah banyak orang yang mengetahuinya...minyak mujarab..multi khasiat.
Minyak ini sudah di ketahui atau di gunakan oleh orang-orang terdahulu kita, mereka menggunakan minyak ini sebagai obat dan untuk merawat kesehatan kulit.


BULUS dalam bahasa jawa dan KURA-KURA dalam bahasa indonesianya merupakan binatang ampibi (binatang yang hidup dalam dua alam). Binatang ini banyak di temukan di perairan indonesia dan spesiesnyapun sangat banyak sekali. Binatang ini pada setiap waktunya pada saat bulan purnama tiba dan ini adalah masa atau saat mereka untuk menetaskan telur. Pada saat- saat seperti ini mereka mendatangi tempat-tempat yang aman dari terjangan ombak laut agar mereka bisa dengan tenang dan nyaman untuk melakukan aktivitas mereka yaitu "NELOR".

Sangat luar biasa apa yang Allah telah tetapkan pada mereka ini, bayangkan dari setiap induknya bisa menetaskan telur sampai ratusan bahkan ribuan telur dalam sekali bulan prnama,
Masya Allah, sangat luar biasa. Mungkin kita bisa membayangkan sendiri, kalau dari tiap induk bisa menghasilkan telur dengan jumlah ratusan saja, bagaimana kalau yang bertelur itu sampai ratusan bahkan ribuan induk BULUS pada satu masa itu. Saya membaca pada sebuah majalah (saya lupa majalahnya), disitu di tampakkan dengan gambar foto asli di teluk india sekumpulan BULUS yang sedang menjalani aktivitasnya untuk bertelur, tercatat waktu itu ada sekitar 2000 BULUS dengan spesies yang sama datang dari berbagai negara disekitar teluk india dan mereka berkumpul di teluk india itu hanya untuk bertelur..anda lihat, ada 2000 BULUS datang ke tempat itu untuk bertelur, kalau saja dari setiap induknya menetaskan telur sekitar 500 butir
berarti pada saat itu juga sudah ada calon-calon BULUS dengan jumlah 1.000.000 ekor, sangat luar biasa, itupun pada satu teluk yaitu teluk india, belum lagi di tambah dengan teluk-teluk lain yang biasa di gunakan oleh BULUS ini untuk menetaskan telur-telur mereka. BULUS-BULUS ini memerlukan waktu untuk menetaskan telur mereka sekitar 2 jam kurang lebihnya, setelah selesai dalam melakukan "aktivitas" nya merekapun kembali ke laut dan meninggalkan telur- telur mereka yang sebelumnya telah mereka pendam di dalam pasir.

Jika kita melihat fenomena seperti ini sudah dapat di bayangkan jutaan BULUS yang ada di laut lepas, dan bersamaan dengan jumlah mereka yang banyak ini akan menelurkan kembali calon- calon BULUS yang lebih banyak dari jumlah mereka saat ini.


Dari hasil penelitian yang kami lakukan dari waktu kewaktu kami menemukan ada beberapa vitamin yang ada pada minyak bulus seperti: vitamin A, vitamin C dan vitamin E sangat di butuhkan manusia untuk menjaga dan merawat kesehatan kulit. Tentu kita semua sudah mengetahui manfaat dari vitamin-vitamin tersebut untuk kulit dan tidak perlu saya memaparkannya lagi.
Proses pengambilan minyak bulus tidak bisa dikalukan dengan sembarangan cara yang nanti akan bisa menghilangkan khasiat minyak ini. Proses yang benar yang bisa menjaga kualitas minyak tersebut adalah dengan cara, terlebih dahulu memisahkan antara daging dan lemak bulus lalu kemudian lemak di jemur di bawah terik sinar matahari hingga lemak tersebut mencair dan menjadi minyak, hanya itu saja, mudahkan?
Akan tetapi pada perkembangan yang ada masih banyak di jumpai minyak bulus yang proses pengambilan lemak hingga lemak itu manjadi minyak dilakukan dengan cara yang salah, yaitu lemak di panaskan dengan panas api yang tentu lemak itu akan mencair dan menjadi minyak.
Satu hal yang perlu di perhatikan bahwa dengan proses seperti ini akan ada zat-zat yang terkandung pada minyak bulus yang hilang kalaupun tidak hilang maka sudah dapat di pastikan bahwa khasiat yang ada akan tidak sebagus kalau di bandingkan dengan cara memanaskannya
dengan panas sinar matahari.

Untuk hal ini KAMI dari AL KAUTSAR INTI 'AFIYAH memberikan yang terbaik buat anda, minyak bulus yang kami punya di olah dengan tradisional, proses pengambilan minyak dengan menggunakan panas sinar matahari, kualitas minyak yang bagus dan berkhasiat tinggi untuk obat : Exim, Borok, Kutu air, Kaki pecah-pecah dllnya, serta mampu untuk memper indah payudara, mengencangkan, montok padat berisi dan untuk menguatkan alat vital laki-laki (lemah syahwat) dan memperbesarnya.


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